Not so much a beatle problem

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... As it is an LGBTQ+ thing.
In honor of LGBTQ+ month and National Coming Out Day yesterday, here's a list of things people shouldn't say to lesbians but do anyways. Of course some of these are my own experience and there will be so much sarcasm in the responses. Because. C'mon I wouldn't be me if I *Wasn't* sarcastic with both stupid questions and stupid people.

"Oh! But you're too pretty to be a lesbian!"
> "well gosh! I didn't know you could determine someone's sexuality based on how they look! Maybe you're too ugly and presumptuous to be heterosexual."

"Being a lesbian is something you do in middle school because it's trendy."
> "wow... You must be heterosexual because it's a mass trend among most Americans leaving us, the LGBTQ+, a minority in which you gave basic rights such as going to the bathroom or getting married which shouldn't have to even be a right that's some how misinterpreted as a "privilege" for us. Do not invalidate my sexuality because you're uncomfortable with your own."

"You're a lesbian? Can I watch?"
>"watch what? A movie? Sure."

"You don't know you're a lesbian until you've had sex with a man."
> "you don't know you're heterosexual until you've had sex with a woman."

"You don't look like a lesbian."
> "how does a lesbian look? Wait! Did I leave my rainbow at home again?? Damn it!"

"I think it's weird to see lesbians kiss."
> "I'm so sorry my sexual orientation is such an inconvenience for you. Maybe it would be easier for me, too if I didn't see some guy shove his tongue down your throat every time I went out in public."

"You don't act like a lesbian."
> "how do lesbians act? Like a decent human being? Which clearly you are not if you invalidate someone."

"My friend is a lesbian! You should get together!"
> "I have this guy friend! You two should totally get together."

"I have a lesbian friend, do you know her?"
> "yes, because when I came out of the closet I was given the ability to suddenly know every single lesbian in the world."

Then of course....

"Which one of you is like the boy?"
> "which chopstick is the fork?"

If anyone invalidates you no matter what your sexuality or gender identity is, you are absolutely in the right to stand up for yourself.

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