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Feelings of uncertainty overwhelmed her as she walked through the reception area and made her way up to his apartment.   She had thought about how it would feel to just tell him; replayed the words hundreds of times in her head, and spoken them in front of the mirror, ‘what the hell am I doing?’  The lift doors opened and she could see his front door.  This made her feel even worse; she didn’t know if he would be there.  It was one of those moments that she knew needed to be acted on while she felt able to do so.  ‘Come on, you’ve made it this far, just a little further,’ she tried to convince herself, but the fear was too much, she let the lift doors closed and pressed for the ground floor.  She had suffered so much rejection in her life, she was afraid that anymore would be her undoing.

He’d heard the lift arrive which drew his attention; his was one of two apartments on the top floor.  Josie, his secretary, had given him a pile of invoices that needed signing before tomorrow; he’d decided to take his work home with him.  He wasn’t sure why he’d hoped he was getting a visitor, it seemed his social life had taken a major back seat since his promotion, he couldn’t remember when he’d last finished work and left it there.  He looked at the digital clock on his desk, 19:00; he signed his last invoice before closing his briefcase.  He grabbed his keys, put on his jacket, the framed photograph caught his eye before he headed out of the door with a sigh, he saw the lift door close as he switched off the lights; he locked up and headed for the car park. 

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