Chapter Eight

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Grace stood looking in her wardrobe hoping that an outfit would reveal itself; she wanted to make a good impression on the first day of her new job.  The sound of Luke shouting her from downstairs hurried her along.  Grace put on a black knee length pencil skirt, and a long sleeve deep red cotton blouse that she tucked into her skirt.  She had already styled her light brown hair into a messy side bun and had applied a small amount of makeup.  Grace put on her black kitten heeled shoes before grabbing her bag with all of her equipment and portfolio in.  “I’m coming Luke,” she shouted as she closed her bedroom door.  She heard him muttering a sarcastic comment about Christmas, but didn’t retaliate as she was the one holding them up.  “I just need to get my jacket and then we can go.”  Grace put her bag at the bottom of the stairs so she could put on her short black leather jacket.  Out of the corner of her eye she saw a head of dark brown hair which confused her as all of her house mates have light coloured hair.

“Good morning Grace,” she spun around at the sound of Jacob’s voice and tripped on her bag.  She prepared herself for the impact of the floor but it never came, instead she felt an arm around her waist and from the butterflies she felt in her stomach she knew who it was.  He pulled her back onto her feet, “I couldn’t wait to see you again Grace so I thought I would come and wish you luck on your first day.” She shivered at the sound of his voice so close to her ear, “Are you okay?” his arm was still around her waist and he was looking at her with concern.  Her eyes met his as she nodded, she had the sudden urge to put her arms around his neck and bring his lips down to hers, but she also wanted to run away.

“Come on you two, we’re going to be late.”  Grace felt cold as Jacob removed his arm and carried her bag to the car.  She glared at Luke as he gave Hannah a peck on the lips, then turned and winked at Grace before following Jacob out to the car.  Luke climbed into the driver’s seat of the Ford Focus; Jacob put her bag into the boot and walked around to where she was stood at the passenger door.

“Will I see you at lunch?” Jacob asked her as he took her hands in his.  He was disappointed when Grace shook her head.

“Luke and I are going to see his friend at the police station to try and find out about the photo I was sent,” Grace seen the understanding in his eyes, she could also see that he was going to make another suggestion, and though she wanted to she felt the need to protect her heart, she couldn’t be hurt again, so she spoke before he did.  “I’m sure you’ll be busy all day anyway, we can catch up some other time.”

“Yeah, sure.”  Jacob let go of her hands and turned away.  “Good luck on your first day Miss Harris.” Grace watched as he got into his car and drive away without looking back.  She climbed into the passenger seat and was met with a disapproving look from Luke.

“He’s a good guy Grace.  Anyone can see how much he cares for you.  Don’t mess with him; you of all people should know how that feels.”  Luke turned on the engine and drove them to work letting Grace consider the little encounter she’d had with Jacob.


Jacob sat at his desk going through his schedule for the day.  He called Josie in to confirm a few venues and to get him a large coffee.  He would usually get his own drinks, but he felt a little down in his mood, he couldn’t understand the way that Grace had reacted to him that morning.  Jacob thought about calling her to his office, but then thought better of it and though he would find it difficult, he knew he had to wait until she was ready to open up to him.  She had told him she had some things that she needed to tell him about her past, he just hoped that she trusted him enough to do it soon so he could understand why she was shying away from him.

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