Chapter Four

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“So I guess we’re going to be housemates and work colleagues!” Luke teased Grace; they had both been sat at home and received the phone call after each other.  Jacob had spoken to Luke, while James had been the one to phone Grace.  Once they’d told each other their news, Luke had found it strange that Jacob had phoned him but not Grace, and he could see from the look on Grace’s face that she thought the same.  “Come on then girls let’s get ready for a night on the town to celebrate!”  Luke laughed as they all looked back at him; it was Monday, a ‘school night’ for Hannah and Casey, “Okay then how about we postpone it for the weekend?” He was happy when the frowns became smiles.

The week flew by, Luke and Grace had to go through their pre-employment checks, and were waiting for them to come back before they could start.  Grace and Jacob hadn’t spoken since her interview day, they were supposed to talk that night, but Grace insisted that it was no big deal and she would catch him later; Luke hoped that they got things between them sorted soon since they were going to be working together.

Friday finally came and the girls were upstairs getting ready, Luke phoned and booked a restaurant and then received a phone call from Jacob asking about Grace’s plans.  Luke was a little hesitant in telling him, but those two really needed to sort themselves out, all week he’d been covering for her, well enough was enough and so he gave Jacob the name of the bar and restaurant that they would be going to and prayed that Grace wouldn’t murder him in his sleep.  He heard the girls giggling as they made their way down the stairs.  They each had on a pair of dark navy skinny jeans, Casey wore an asymmetric baby pink flowing top, Hannah a pale blue silk shirt and Grace wore a strapless lilac tunic that gathered at the waist.  Luke thought that they all looked stunning, he was going to have his work cut out for him tonight, he always saw himself as the big brother, looking out for the creeps who only wanted one thing and he knew tonight was going to be one of those nights.  He secretly praised himself for Jacob coming along; at least he would have a helping hand.

Hannah winked at him as they all walked out to the car, Luke was driving as he didn’t drink alcohol, not that he needed it.  He paused for a minute, he and Hannah had their own issues to work out and he was going to make sure that by the end of tonight, they had done just that.


Luke and Grace waited at the bar while Hannah and Casey found some seats.  “So, Luke, when are you finally going to grow some balls and get it together with Hannah?”  Luke looked at his friend shocked.  He and Hannah had spent the night together a few times, but neither of them had ever pursued anything further. 

“Well, how about when you admit to Jacob how you feel.”  Luke knew it was a bit of a low blow, he knew what she had been through, not just with her family, but also with her past relationships.  Luke knew she was thinking about her feelings, but her past held her back and the uncertainty that she had about Jacob and how he felt.  “Sorry Grace, I shouldn’t have said that.  I’m going to speak to her tonight; I think I’ll be rewarded!” He winked at Grace and that brought a smile to her face.  “Now come on, let’s get these over to the table before they begin to think that we’re up to no good.”  Luke and Grace took the drinks and made their way to the table that Hannah and Casey had found in the corner of the bar near the open fire.  Luke settled in next to Hannah and took hold of her hand, which Hannah allowed.  Casey and Grace just looked at each other with knowing smiles; Grace looked at her phone to find the message light flashing.  The same number appeared from the day of her interview, the message was a little creepier ‘We still haven’t made up.  I know you don’t want anyone else, I’ll wait.’  Grace looked up to see Luke giving her a questioning look, she gave him a smile and put her phone away determined to have a good time, she pushed the text to the back of her mind.

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