Part 2 - Oliver Queen

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Earth 1 – Starling City

Oliver stared at his cell phone as he waited for (Name) to text him back. It had been months since he last saw her and for some reason he had a strange feeling that something was wrong. No matter how mad (Name) was at him she would always reply to his texts. Even when he drove her away to protect her from the villains who wished to do the Arrow and his friends harm, she had still sent him a text letting him know she was safe in Central City. So why wasn't she replying now?

"Hey Ollie, what's wrong?" Oliver hears his little sister Thea ask pulling his eyes from his cell. "You, ah, waiting on a hot date?" Oliver chuckled at his sisters joke before he shook his head.

"No, I was just trying to check on (Name)." He says forcing a smile.

"I know that look." Thea says making his eyes glance up at her. "Come on Ollie, you and (Name) have had this weird relationship ever since you came back from the island. What's up with you two?"

"There's nothing going on between (Name) and I; we just had a fight and she moved to Central City."

"Ollie, (Name) knew you were the Arrow before anyone else did and you know why?"

"Thea don't-"

"Because, she knew you better than anyone. She saw that you had changed and when she confronted you about it you blew up like a child; then she moved too Central to start over. Little did she know the STAR labs Particle Accelerator would explode turning her into a meta-human."

"Wait what?" Oliver asks as he moves from his seat to stand in front of his sister. "(Name)'s a Meta?"

"Uh yeah, didn't-" she pauses as she notices the pure shock in her brother's eyes. "You didn't know, did you?" She concludes and then mentally kicks herself for spilling the beans.

"No," Oliver says as he walks past her across the room to the front door. Grabbing his coat, he turns back to his sister and asks, "Who else knew?"

"Look Ollie I don't think-"

"Who else Speedy?" He cuts her off and she sighs.

"Me, Laurel, and everyone at Star Labs. The old Harrison brought her in when he did Barry. That's why the two of them were so close."

"So basically, I was the only one who didn't know?" Oliver says the anger clear in his tone.

"No," Thea argues making Ollie cock an eyebrow at her. "Diggle, Roy, Felicity, and Sarah didn't know. So you weren't the only one."

"Why didn't she tell me? I've worked closely with Barry three times now and I never once saw her at STAR labs."

"Ollie, I'm sure (Name) has a good reason for not saying anything." Thea says as she closes the distance between the two of them. "Just give her a chance to explain."

"Which Meta is she?" Oliver asks as he nods.

"Lady Light," Thea says with a regretful sigh and Oliver's eyes widen.

"Are you shitting me Thea? I almost killed Lady Light last year!"

"I know, I was there, remember?" Before Oliver had a chance to reply the front door swings open to reveal the scarlet speedster himself.

"Barry, what are you doing here? Is Central City okay? Is (Name) okay?" Oliver questions with urgency.

"Central is fine." Barry replies his eyes filled with regret.

"Where's (Name)?" Oliver asks when Barry doesn't answer his question completely.

"Oliver, I'm sorry; I tried-" Barry is cut off by Oliver lifting him up off his feet by his red jumpsuit.

"Where is she?!" Oliver demands causing tears to fill Barry's eyes.

"Oliver, I tried to get to her. I did, but he was too strong."

"Who?" Oliver asks rage and determination filling his eyes.


"You let her near Void!" Oliver yells obviously knowing more than the rest of his company about the connection between Void and (Name).

"I didn't want her too, but she said it was the only way. I am so sorry Oliver. I really am."

Before Oliver has a chance to lose his temper more his phone rings. Letting Barry down he pulls his cell up to his ear and answering it growls out a greeting.

"Oliver, it's Caitlin. Is Barry with you?" She asks and Oliver takes a deep breath before he answers.

"Yeah he's here. Why didn't anyone tell (Name) not to try to stop Void by herself?"

"Oliver listen, Cisco just had a vibe; and (Name)'s alive."

"Really?" Oliver asks as he feels the regret and pain disappear from his body. "Where is she? What did he see?"

"Wait what's going on?" Barry asks curiosity filling his eyes.

"(Name)'s alive, Cisco vibed her." Oliver says as he waits for Caitlin to continue. Barry lets out a matching sigh of relief as Oliver puts the phone on speaker.

"That's the thing, (Name) isn't on Earth 1 anymore."

"Is she on Earth 2?" Barry asks hopeful.

"Unfortunately no, Cisco said she's on Earth 616; and that she's safe."

"616, how the hell do we get there?" Oliver asks making Thea interject with, "We? What are you gonna do there? You're not a meta-human Ollie, you're just a normal guy. Well not completely normal, but you get what I mean."

"Thea, I'm going to bring her home." Oliver announces and Barry nods. "I'm going too."

"Barry, Central City needs you. You can't leave it."

"What about you? You're leaving Starling."

"That's different, Thea and Diggle can handle things here until I get back."

"Are you saying that only you have the right to go after (Name)?"

"Barry, she's my friend." He says his eyes turning melancholy, "I have to bring her back."

"There's one thing you forgot Oliver; she's my friend too. Everything I've been through since the accelerator exploded, she's been right there by my side. So if anyone has a right to go it's me. Like it or not, I'm going."


"I'm going Oliver. Now, I'll meet you at Star labs." Barry says before he blasts past him and out the door.

"Can you-" Oliver starts but Thea cuts him off.

"Go, Diggle and I got this."

"Thanks Thea," Oliver says as he hugs his sister tight and kisses her forehead. "I'm going to stop by and grab my gear before I head to Central."

"If we need any help, I'll call Caitlin and Joe. Go, we got this." Thea reassures him with a smile. "Go bring our Lady Light home."

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