chapter 2

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Mike Schmidt stood in front of the entrance and took a look at his work. The floors were spotless, tables scrubbed, and the kitchen put back in order, which had been a process since Mike had no idea where things went. And it was only 3:00 am. Mike scratched his head. Did that mean he could leave?

Mike turned off the lights and left the restaurant, locking the door behind him, and began to walk to the bus stop a couple blocks away. As he was walking, his thoughts began to drift back to Freddy Fazbear's and the animatronics. He worried about the new guard they certainly had to have hired by now. Mike was no longer sure the robots were now harmless, and he hoped he wouldn't have to read another missing person's report. Mike had to run to catch the departing bus, and he found himself staring out the window at Freddy Fazbear's when the bus drove past.

The instant her shift ended, Chelsea went to the manager and quit. After figuring out that the goal of the animatronics was to get her out anyway, she figured there was no need to subjugate herself to the job anymore. The manager wasn't surprised.

"Yeah, figured you'd leave. Never get to hold on to our guards," she had said after Chelsea finished her resignation papers. They had a form specially typed out for the night guard position, so it was a quick process.

"You can't tell anyone about what you saw, you signed that agreement," the manager reminded the now ex-guard, "And I wish you'd give us some notice, now we have to try and fill this position in a day." Chelsea snorted, she didn't care, she was glad to be rid of the 'bots. They still scared her, even more so since they had proven to be capable of plotting, despite the regret they seemed to show. Maybe that was a plot too.

Well, now it doesn't matter, she thought, heading for home.

Freddy watched the guard quit her job from his spot onstage, feeling a sort of grim satisfaction. Yes, they had, in all definitions, scared her off, but now they were one step closer to trying to bring Mike back. The next part of the plan was to figure out a way to contact him, so when night rolled around and Freddy felt himself loosen, he called for a meeting, using Pirate's Cove for privacy. Foxy was a little miffed they were using his space, but got over it quick once Freddy described the next part of the plan.

"We need to figure out a way to contact Michael," Freddy explained, "This is a problem, since we know next to nothing about him, and need to get information. Ideas?"

The other robots sank deep into thought, accessing memories, anything that might provide a lead.

"Isn't there a bunch of stuff in that cabinet in the office?" Chica asked.

"We could check that, but what about the guard?" Bonnie asked.

"She quit," Freddy replied, "Just this morning, so we'll have to start over. Actually, they've probably already noticed we're gone."

"Then we better get a move on," Chica replied, heading for the office.

Chica walked down her usual route, heading for her usual door.

The sooner we get this guy out of here, the sooner we get Mike back, she thought. The others assumed that Chica wasn't that fond of Mike, but in reality, Chica had liked him almost immediately. It was his quick wit, something that she could appreciate.

As Chica approached the door, she realized it was left open.

Oh man, this guy is SO new, she thought, and stuck her head through the doorway. It was empty. The tablet wasn't even powered on. Surprised, and excited, Chica ran back towards Pirate Cove to tell the others. The only one there was Foxy, who she almost plowed into as he stuck his head out of the curtain.

another night at freddy's: night 3Where stories live. Discover now