chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Act Natural

Mike walked up to the door to the storeroom, once again waiting for the coast to be clear. He got startled when an employee entered in front of him, and Mike had to grab his cardboard to keep the door closed. Knowing that Bonnie was probably still working, Mike tensed, ready to burst in and calm the situation.

Nothing happened, the employee left with a box, whistling to himself. Mike sighed in relief, and snuck into the storeroom. He found the art supplies hastily kicked under shelving, and the tall box was standing up against the wall again.

"C'mon out, Bonnie, it's me," Mike said to the box. It didn't move, and Mike turned around to see Bonnie peering through empty shelving. She waved.

"Mike! Over here, I finished the signs!" Bonnie called over. Mike stepped around the shelves, and Bonnie held out the cardboard pieces. On each were the words "Come to Freddy's!"and a picture of pizza. What was different, however, was that each of the four signs had a different animatronic drawn on them.

"Do you like them?" Bonnie asked, rocking back and forth on her heels, hands behind her back.

"Yeah, these will work great! Here, take your sign," Mike told her, passing the sign with Bonnie's likeness on it.

"Alright. So, basically, the plan is to cause a distraction so we can slowly add the others to our little group. We need to first get Foxy, so you need to keep the crowd's attention away so no one notices he was a sculpture a second ago," Mike explained, "Then we'll go from there. Got it?"

Bonnie nodded.

"Ok, let's do it."

"Remember, act natural, you're just a guy in a costume," Mike reminded as he and Bonnie slipped out of the storeroom. Almost immediately people began to notice, which was expected, since Bonnie was a large purple rabbit.

"Go," Mike said, and Bonnie began to wander around.

"Hey everyone!" she called out happily, "Come to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, where fun and fantasy come to life!" Soon, the rabbit had drawn a crowd, with people asking for more information, or pictures, or about her "costume." Meanwhile, Mike walked over to Foxy, and held out his sign.

"Here, take this, quick! Follow Bonnie's lead," Mike explained. Foxy grabbed the sign with his good hand, and walked over to Bonnie. A few people got out of his way, staring as he passed by them.

"Ahoy! Why don't ye sail on over to Freddy's, eh?" the fox asked a family. They smiled, but walked faster. Foxy tried again with a couple, but got the same result. He returned to Mike.

"They don' like me," Foxy complained, frustrated.

"So? It's a cover, c'mon, we're getting too much heat," Mike replied, and waved Bonnie over. She politely left the small crowd, and walked over.

"This is fun!" Bonnie said. Foxy frowned.

"Aye. Real fun," he said sarcastically.

"Well, in your defense, your metal is showing," Bonnie told the fox, trying to make him feel better.

"Guys, relax, it's an act, now let's go get the others, this way," Mike commanded, leading their odd group towards the escalator. The mall was even more crowded, and progress was slow as people stopped and watched, while others approached Mike about what was going on. The only difficulty they encountered was Foxy, who's battered appearance scared a lot of people off.

Until a small group of kids walked by, and immediately recognized Bonnie.

"Look! It's Bonnie!" one of them, a girl, cried, pointing. The group immediately swarmed the rabbit, asking all sorts of questions.

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