The Calm Part 4

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*Blitz's POV*

I woke up next to Blaze the next day as the sun shined down on us while the birds chirped pleasantly. I giggled to myself as I began nuzzling Blaze until he woke up with a cute sleepy smile spread across  his face. "Hehe good morning sleepy head." I said inbetween a few giggles. He kissed me on the nose before the two of us started getting dressed and heading into the base for mission briefing. The base was a bit less colorful than I'd like but it was easy on the eyes and wasn't exactly dull but it definitely wasn't vibrant either. We soon made our way into the large tent where Ray was waiting to brief us but as he walked in it was impossible to ignore James lying under Ray as Ray pinned his wrists to the bed and was nibbling a bit on James's neck. I felt my face heat up as I blushed a deep red color and squeezed Blazes paw a bit before he cleared his throat to alert them to our presence. Ray perked up as he began walking over to us before flopping a folder down on the table. "Yiffing on the job are we? That's highly unprofessional bro maybe I sho-" before Blaze could finish his sentence Ray tossed an apple to Blaze which caused his face to light up as he began chomping on it. I took a quick look at the file and immediately became nervous as I passed it to Blaze. He continued smiling and eating his apple until he read about half way down the page and all the emotion drained from his face. Ray looked over at us as James tried to take the file but Ray stopped him before he could read anything. After a few minutes of sitting in silence Blaze took my paw as he pulled me out of the tent and started on his way to the armory. He began loading some pistols and strapping him to his body before getting a sword similar to a katana but a bit shorter and with a straightened blade. He loaded one last gun and looking at me with droopy ears before handing it to me. I pushed it away as soon as quickly as it had been presented but Blaze persisted in giving it to me. "Hun...please." His face was almost as concerned as his voice as I hesitantly holstered the gun and my waist before a black timber wolf with a white under belly came in and introduced himself as Ghost. He pulled Blaze into the corner and started whispering to him for a few minutes until Blaze grabbed me and teleported the three of us into enemy territory. The second I opened my eyes I saw that we were surrounded with guns pointed at us from every direction. I could hear Blaze growl as he stared down a gray figure that was covered in tattered fabric with combat armor underneath it. "Haha this is perfect I didn't think the coordinates would get through to you but they did." He said with a laugh as he seemed to get delight out if our distress. "Welcome gentlemen, Blaze it has been far too long how've you been oh wait, don't tell me....I'm gonna guess not well." Almost immediately after he finished his sentence Blaze was shot was a tranquilizer which left him unconscious leaving Ghost and I with no way out

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