Sleep: Blaze

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[I hope to God Wattpad is fixed]

*Blaze's POV*

Everything was black, darkness was everywhere but I could see clearly as if I was in a bright room with walls floors and ceiling of pure darkness. I sat there in the room only having the details in my fur to keep my sanity as I traced where one strand ended and the next began. All of a sudden I was surrounded by snow, it seemed as if I was in the middle of a blizzard with collapsed building all around. Soldiers marched one by one through the destroyed city. I watched them March slowly as the hundred or so soldiers marched in perfect formation to a crowd of furs. The fur in the front was wearing a completely white uniform like all the others that covered head to toe but he was wearing a metal mask with not so much as an eye slit to give away any hint of identity. However I did manage to spot a star patch on his shoulder that were given to powered furs in my division but that was the only thing I noticed about him that was significant in any way. He raised his hand high into the sky as all of his subordinates raised their guns and took aim at the crowd of men, women, and children. I gritted my teeth as he threw his hand down and all of the soldiers fired upon the crowd. There were no survivors. I rushed in and took a swing at the white figured but was immediately cut down at the waist leaving me bleeding from a giant slice through my stomach. I tried my best to keep my intestines from spilling out onto the snow as my blood made a red spot in the pure white snow. The spot spread and grew bigger as more blood spilled out causing me to feel faint. All of a sudden a paw wrapped around my neck and squeezed tightly as Blitz and Ray went kneeling infront of me. I felt the white figure tighten his grip around my throat as my vision became hazy and dark as I continued to hold my organs inside of my body. I saw my blood in the snow as I looked at the figure to se his blade and uniform covered in my blood as the red spread on both the surface of the ground and on the figure that was choking me. I panicked and began looking around faster to take in everything I could before dying my entire life flashed as I saw all the things I did all the people I killed all the families I ripped apart all the pain I had put people through and it was finally happening to me. Everything I did everything I hoped all the times I had pretended to be innocent all the people I loved it would all be gone soon, the end came I was somehow able to accept it. I saw Blitz and Ray be set on fire to burn to death as my vision went completely black. I couldn't see anything I could only hear their wails of agony. I coughed up blood as I noticed a knee being driven into my stomach. "Look alive sunshine." It was Grant, the gray wolf that I saw before my dream, before the tranquilizer, before I ended up chained to a wall. It wasn't comforting to see Grant, however, it was comforting to be alive once again.

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