The cell:Blaze

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*Blaze's POV*
Lucas, or Charles, or whatever he was calling himself these days, looked up at me with a smirk as there seemed to be a fire in his eyes, a fire of passion or anger...I couldn't tell which. "Stop being such a pussy, you're a soldier, you signed up for this shit so don't bitch and moan when you're expected to do your job. It's you or them in war not everyone gets to walk away from this. However, I finally figured out why you're fighting for the side you've chosen. It's because you know that people like you, like Ray, like your fuck buddy in the other room, like Ghost are all incredibly dangerous. You're right. We are dangerous but that's not the reason you're doing this is it?" He said as he gave me a cocky smirk as I dropped my ears and gave a quiet whimper. "You're afraid of yourself aren't you?" He knew he had me the second he began talking, he figured me out faster than anyone and I wasn't surprised. Lucas was a smart guy and he knew me well which is probably why he wasn't surprised that I started having a breakdown in front of him. I tried pulling my knees to my chest to hug them but my wrists and ankles were held back by the chains I was in. Not being able to comfort myself and the reality of being chained up was finally too much and I began hyperventilating. Lucas unlocked my chains out of pity....or compassion which allowed me to fall into his arms as he hugged me softly like he would when I was a cub. "It's okay Blaze, your secret is safe with me. The door to your cell is gonna need to be locked, but you don't to be chained to the wall while you're still chained to your mind." He whispered softly into my ear before walking through the large steel door and shutting the heavy slab of metal, with the turn of a key and the sound of a click I was locked into my 5x3 cell room to panic in silence with a voice that cannot be heard.

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