12. Bear

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Shorter chapters are on the way.

Its been a while...

My rider has changed.

Her kind heart is nothing but coldness and chills.

She hurts me....she uses rough hands with rough bits on me. Worse. She uses spurs...no not the regular kind...the abusive kind...she jabs them into my side...ouch.

I remember the time she rode me like that the first time..

She was so eager to win she would do anything. I mean anything. Hit me with whips. Jab me with spurs. Sore my mouth with roughness.

All of thst was in her so called "good" section of vocab.

How cruel.

Our first show since she changed is tomorow.

We are already at the show ground.

The spurs arent allowed to compete in so she doesnt bring them...that should tell you something about the cruelty of them.

She also changed my bit to just a curb and not the harsher bit...mainly because of rules.


Higher jumps approached me.

I jump...but get spooked.

I stop.

Whips hit my side harshly.

She hops off which means DQ.

But that isnt all...

She picks uo the whip and lashes my eye....

I cant see out of it now and it hurts...

I rear up terrifed.

Feeling the need to gallop so I do. I escape her hands.

A judge calms me and bans my rider for life.

Lesson of the chapter; Not everyone has a perfect life.

For crescendo.

Thats the case.

Almost done with this story. Soo we will see how this all pieces together.

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