The Beginning

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YAY first upload!!!

Hope you guys like it!


"Cali WAKE UP!" my mom screamed. I know I have to get up but I'm going to miss my childhood bed. Today is the big day! I'm going to college in London so that's a big change from my suburban life in San Antonio, Texas.

"Ok mom I'm awake!" I replied.

I went to the bathroom and stepped into the shower. As the hot water loosens my muscles, I think about how my life will change. Will I make friends? Will I be successful in my internship? These questions run through my head like a track star so I washed up and stepped out.

"Ugh dammit" I said to myself forgetting to pick out some clothes to wear. After contemplating with myself for over 10 minutes, I decided to wear my plaid aqua button-up with jeans, grey knee high boots, and topped it off with earrings and a aqua handbag. My make-up was a snap since I only wear mascara and light pink lip gloss to compliment my complexion.

I walk down stairs to find my mom, dad, little brother, and my best friend yelling "Congratulations!" with homemade breakfast sitting across the table. Me, a sentimental person, thought this was the most thoughtful thing ever. "Aw you guys you didn't have to do all of this for me!" I said almost tearing up. "Sweetie of course we did. We want to make your day special and since we won't know how your whole day will plan out, we at least want to start it off right!" My dad announced.

My parents were literally the best. Always caring, understanding, and since we were so close, we were all like best friends.

After I got my hugs from my parents, my brother comes up and literally almost cried. It touched me so much, I gave him the biggest hug of all. Every time we would argue or have a little spat, we would always hug it out. My hugs from my family ended and it came down to my best friend Scarlett.

Scarlett and I are inseparable. My family pretty much adopted her when we were young. Her rough household was too much to deal with so we just took her in. We've been friends for about 10 years. We are both going to the same college and getting after we build up more money we'll buy a flat in the downtown area. We traveled to London for my cousin's wedding and fell in love with the city. It's people, food, culture, and much more drew us in with complete delight.

"Come on girls you don't want to miss your flight do you? Let's head out!" my mom says cheerily.

After the long drive we finally make it to the airport. As my dad takes our bags out the trunk we all seem quiet and misty eyed. Our "goodbyes" and "see you laters" was not a good experience. My mom has finally gave up on her attempt to not cry so she is bawling her eyes out on my dad's chest. I could say I hate seeing my mom cry yet it makes me feel so loved. That they care.

"You girls be safe ok? Don't make me go all "Taken" on you guys." My dad comments and makes me and Scarlett laugh. "Are you ready Caliah?" Scarlett says, holding my hand tight. "Yeah." I reply and pick up my bag and start walking away from my family. I will miss them so much.

"Caliah, we're here!" Scarlett squealed. I stretched and look out the window. London. "Come on let's go!!!" I said getting more and more excited.

Hours later, we arrive at campus and my word, it's beautiful. Leaves slowly cascading down onto the ground as fellow college-goers head into the school saying goodbye to their families as well as I did hours ago. I wonder will I make any other friends and if so, how will they act? Previous questions continue to pop in my head, so I just brush it off and we both get the key to our dorm.

Our dorm rooms are not bad-looking either. Already furnished with hardwood floors and simple décor. I open the door to my room to find a brunette girl sitting at the edge of her bed, fiddling with her possessions.

"Hi, my name is Caliah." I say in a cheery mood. " Hey, the name's Eva." she said giving me a friendly hug. As we are hugging I notice my favorite thing in the world hanging on her side of the wall. "Hey is that the logo for YouTube right there?" I ask looking at all the surrounding YouTube stars. Tyler Oakley, Zoella, The Slow Mo Guys, Daily Grace and so much more were in a big fancy collage. "I plan on getting an internship so I can work with YouTube." Eva said in a proud manner. "I think we will get along just fine!" I say enthusiastically.

As we get our class schedules we find out if we have the same one. "Ahh Cali!! We have all but three of our classes together." She says. "Its okay but, we can make it work." I say hugging my friend. "So ready?" we both say in unison and giggle. "Hey, is your first class Advanced English?" Eva asked me. "Yeah and I'm excited for it. It was always my favorite subject during school, since I've always wanted to be a publisher." I said with a smile. "Well come on then, shall we?" Scarlett uttered in a proper manner.

Time went by quickly and since it was just the introduction of the classes it was bound to go quickly. I started to walk to my first class. Today is the day I change my life.


So... how do ya like it? Give me any (encouraging yet honest) feedback about my work and tell me what you think.

Inseparable (H.S.) [Discontinuing]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora