Meeting You

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Some characters changed! Caliah Rose : Zara Larsson, Scarlett Jennings: Mila Kunis, and Eva Wells: Mary Elizabeth Winstead. Other than that everything is the same.


"There's something about your laugh

that makes me wanna have to..."

Harry's P.O.V.

Zayn and I arrive on campus and I have this eerie feeling that something is about to happen.

"Aye!" Zayn and I both proclaim. We're so clumsy because we just ran into two other people. And they just so happen to be girls. "Eh watch where yo-" I start to yell but quickly shut my mouth. That's the girl that saw me looking at her! Also, she's with her attractive friend. Yet I still only have focused eyes on her. "Sorry, I didn't see you there. My mistake." The mystery girl says. She is so hot. Her long blond hair goes just above her ass, but and her shorts make her legs look as if they can go on forever. Her smile is shy and her lips are just as full as when I first saw them in class yesterday.

"No we're sorry, we weren't paying any attention either." Says Zayn. "Its okay, we just thought it was some douchey punks bumping into us. But in stead they're just super hot guys" Said the brunette one. "Scarlett, shut the hell up! If you're going to call someone super hot," She did air quotes with her fingers. "You can't do it when they're standing right in front of you!!" The blonde one flushed. "Caliah, shut up. You know good and well that these guys have been complimented for their looks before. Just look at them! I mean like DAMN!!" Says Scarlett.

I'm dying on the floor laughing at this point but as I heard correctly I heard that her name is Caliah. That's one of the hottest names I've ever heard. Very unique.

"Thanks for the compliment. My name is Zayn and this curly-top over here is Harry. And as I think about it don't you take creative writing with us?" He pointed to Caliah. I shot one of my evil stares at the side of his head because he knows I was staring at her yesterday.

"Oh yeah I remember you guys from yesterday because your blond Irish friend has poor whispering skills." She looked at the floor and giggled. I wanted to laugh with her but my face paled as the realization that she heard Niall talking all that stuff. I'm going to kill him when I see him. "Niall, that son of a bitch." I muster under my breath. Zayn noticed my change in mood and started talking up her friend Scarlett. "I'll see ya later I'm gonna be talking to the lady friend!" Zayn said, swinging an arm around her.

I start to walk away when Caliah calls me to wait up. Aww this is gonna suck.


Caliah's POV

I call him because I know he's embarrassed by his friend. "Hey, why'd you leave? I wanted to talk since we kinda bumped into each other kinda hard. It knocked my glasses off my face." I tell him and he looked guilty. "But I'm fine trust me. My nerdiness will not be diminished!!" I yell.

He laughs and looks at me. But it's a different kind of look that makes you think. A look of admiration? Nah, probably not.

"Hey I'm gonna head to class a little early. I'll see you there yeah?" I ask. "Yeah, definitely." He says with a smile.

I head to class thinking about him. But I also saw Zayn and Scarlett exchanging numbers as they talked further. I knew she would have liked him but she didn't have to be so forward!! They would make a cute couple. I wonder if she thinks the same about me and Harry.

I walk into the classroom and sit down in the same exact seat I was sitting in yesterday. But as Harry, Zayn, and Niall walks in, they go on the other side if the room. Aww, I felt like talking today.

"So today guys I will be assigning a project." Groans waved across the classroom because I mean, it's just the second day! But I was thrilled because I just love to write. "Don't worry I won't assign a 50 page essay all in Greek or something! And it won't be a boring prompt either. Class, the prompt will be to make me laugh. Not titter every once and a while, a full on laugh that will bring tears to my eyes and pain in my stomach. It can be fictional or non-fictional, your call." Everyone got excited then.

" The reason I picked this topic because the one I have in the lesson plan is boring as shit and I don't need papers that put me to sleep." He said we all laughed.

"However I have to put rules in this because last time I did this all I got was a bunch of sex jokes from the guys and I will not have that. No situations, jokes or subliminal messages in these papers. And no language that you wouldn't tell your parents."

"Now I'm not an old bastard who won't laugh at nothing so have fun with this project. This is a pair project and I will not pick the pairs. You have one week. Does everyone understand?" Mr. Beckham says and everyone nods in agreement. "Alright then, off to your partners!" He says and sits back down at his desk.

"Caliah! I'm your partner!" I heard someone call. I knew the voice instantly. Oh God.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2015 ⏰

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