Who is that?

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"... with just one look

when I saw your face

I fell in love..."

Caliah's P.O.V.

As I nervously stumble into class, I find a good seat towards the middle-front and class begins to start. I'm excited yet nervous about this class or... college in general. So many things can happen, like this could be a start of my life, my career, and maybe something more.

"Alright students let's get started with this yeah?" A gorgeous man says as he approaches the front desk. Tall, lean yet muscular, sleeves of tattoos, and a strong British accent. Aww this is going to suck. I could hear the other girls swoon, giggle and whisper about our teacher. I mean look at him! He looks like a sex-god.

"So my name is Mr. Beckham and if you don't know already, I'm your Advanced English teacher. Now I know everyone understands that if you all are in here, so let's get to it." Mr. Beckham said with a cheeky smile. Ugh, this is gonna be a long semester.

As the class is going on I feel someone looking at me. I heard someone's poor whispering skills and heard "Eh Harry, you trying to stalk her or something? If she looks you're gonna look like a major creep!" It was a deep voice and a Irish accent and I found both quite cute. "Shut up guys, she just looks... interesting." I guess his name is, Harry says harshly. Well I found out their names yet I knew they were talking about me. I could feel it.

I ignore it hesitantly but then it was like I could the burning sensation at the back of my head. So I turn around to find a gorgeous boy with ringlets of brown curls and green piercing eyes staring at me from afar. Dimples adorn his cheeks as he smiles, and tattoos dapple his arms.

Beside him is a blonde, blue eyed boy laughing. A little on the short side, but cute... like a leprechaun. And next to both of them was a handsome olive skinned boy who also had tattoos. He was reading not paying any attention to the teacher.

That's who was looking at me! But, as Harry notices that I've seen him, he turns quickly yet semi-casually. Now I'm not going to lie and say that this mysterious boy isn't hot. But, why was he staring at me? Out of all the girls in the room? Hmmm...

Class ends and I'm happy that I can get out of there without being seen by Harry. Why was he looking at me and said I was interesting? "Hey, did you see that English teacher! I wonder does he fuck his students?" I heard a slutty girl say. I laughed at how disgusting her comment was and wondered if she planned to do it. I met up with Scarlett and told her about Harry.

" And he was staring right at you? What does he look like?" Scarlett said trying to get the "goods" out of me. I described his perfect features from head to toe. His green eyes, his deep dimples, and his tattoos. "So what are you gonna do?" Scarlett stammers on.

What do you mean "what am I gonna do?"


Harry's P.O.V.


I can't believe she caught me staring at her. I mean... it's not like I care or anything. I have girls kiss the ground I walk on. But, it's something about her that I like and want to have. And I hope she didn't hear Niall with his loud ass. We were sitting two rows behind her so I hope she didn't hear.

"So I mean are you trying to fuck her or something?" Niall asked. To be honest I don't know. Yeah she's hot; with her curvaceous body and plump lips. Long blonde hair I could run my fingers through. She has something about her that is special. Like I just want her to be mine.

I shake my head in frustration and for the rest of the day I think about her.


So what do ya think? Comment, and share! ;)

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