Chapter 3

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***Liam's P.O.V.***

After our crazy night, I woke up and he was still asleep. I looked under the covers and saw our naked bodies. I slightly woke him up and told him to sit at the end of the bed. I put on his underwear and joggers.

"Okay beautiful, you can go back to sleep."

I could tell he was still asleep. He laid back down I pulled him closer to me. We snuggled close together and fell asleep. I woke up to his mom calling our names lightly.

"Cameron, Liam!" She wispered loudly.

Cameron didn't wake up but I did.

"Mam?" I said as I was stretching.

"Do y'all want to go to church with me?"

"Yea, I'll get him up." I got him up and told him we were going to Church.

He got dressed in his cream white button-up and his black skinny jeans. He looked hot. I got dressed in my white and blue plaid button-up and black slacks. We went to church and I felht uncomfortable because I heard gay people aren't allowed in church's and are banished to hell. The first thing that I saw on the itenary was...homo-sexual marriage. Great. We sat down and after ten minutes of the preacher talking about how grateful he was that we were all here. Then he started.

"Okay, onto homo-sexual marriage. First off, it never says in the bible that gay or lesbian will go to hell. It only says that it is a sin. Even though it is a very big sin, it never says that they'll be banished to hell. The only people being banished to hell are the ones that don't accept him into his heart and are saved.

I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders as he said that to me. I looked at Cameron and he lifted up at the same time I did. I knew that he was happy on the inside too.


After church we went to the Home Town Cafe. They had the best food in the world there.

"Hey boys?"
"Yea?" We said in unison.
"I have to go t the grocery store. Are yall gonna be alright together until I get back?"

"Yea we will." Liam said before I could even understand what she fully said.
"Okay. If I'm not back by the time you're done just walk home. It's just up the street."
"K" We said again in unison.

To no suprise, his mom wasn't back when we were done. We walked home together and layed on the couch and watched Futurama. His mom came home with lots of groceries in her hand and a lot more in the car. We walked out and got the rest. Cameron tried to impress me with trying to get four bags but failed. I got the last three and the two he dropped on the ground and headed inside. He huffed and I turned around and saw him with his arms crossed and his pouty face. I put the groceries up and went towards the door but he came inside so quickly the door hit my face and I fell. He looked down, chuckled, and just walked away. I got up and felt my nose throbbing. I was holding it and it started to bleed. He saw the blood dropping from my hand and grabbed me by the arm into the bathroom. He wiped it off with toilet paper and looked terrified.

"What you never seen a bloody nose before?"

"No, I don't know what to do! What if I broke it?! Liam what do I do?!"

"If it was broken then I would know and my nose would be hurting a lot more and probably in a different position. Calm down babe." I said as I stroked his cheek. He looked at me and smiled I kissed his soft, pink, beautiful lips and bit his bottom lip. He knew what I was trying to do. He opened his teeth and let me in. His mouth tasted so good I didn't want to stop kissing him. He broke the kiss and said,"I think we should go to the hospital just to get it checked out. My mom has an extra car in the garage. I think I can drive."

"Okay whatever, but if it's broke you know what I get tonight before I go home." I winked twice. He smiled and walked me down the stairs and into his garage. He unlocked the doors of his mother's dented 2001 Honda. He gave me a bunch of paper towels and started the car.

When we got to the hospital we walked in and asked if we could get an examination done and maybe an x-ray. The nice receptionist nodded and called a doctor over.

"Dr. Ahmad, he needs an examination and maybe an x-ray on his nose."

"Okay, come this way." He said with his middle-eastern accent. We walked down a long halfway to a very small room and he lifted my nose until I tensed in pain.

"I can't see anything in the nose because of all the blood. We'll need an x-ray done on you."

I looked at liam and he looked nervous. The doctor said liam couldn't come in the x-ray room and told him to wait in the lobby. We kissed and got wierded looks from all the people in the lobby. The doctor, yet again, took me down a long hallway into a larger room this time and sat me down. He turned the lights off and x-rayed my nose. After a while he showed me that nose was out of place but not broken. He said I needed it put back in place and he would have to do it. He started moving my nose around and very quickly jerked it to the right. I screamed out in pain and slapped his hand away from my nose.

***Cameron's P.O.V.***

I heard his distant scream. I knew it was his. I ran down the hall way briefly looking through every widow till I saw him crying on the x-ray bed in pain. I ran in there and held him tight.

"Hey you can't be in here." Dr. Ahmad said.


"There's no reason to yell."

"NO REASON TO YELL?! DID YOU HERE THAT LIAM?! HE SAID THERE'S NO FUCKING REASON TO YELL AND HE JUST TOLD ME TO LEAVE YOU IN HERE WITH HIM! I THINK THE FUCK NOT!" I grabbed Liam's arm and walked out of the room and out of the hospital. I didn't care if we owed money his mom would take care of it. We got in the car and I took Liam's hand of his nose and looked at it. Nothing seemed wrong but he was still in pain. I drove to Dollar General and got the "strongest" pain medicine there. I drove him to his house and helped him inside. His mom came running towards us and asking what was wrong.

"Oh HUNNY what happened?!"

"Well I opened the door a little too fast and it hit his nose and it started bleeding. I took him to the hospital but a stupid doctor almost broke his nose jerking it to one side."

"Oh no! Okay well let's get you to bed. Thank you....What's your name again?"

"Cameron, his boy frie.....uh oh." Liam jerked his head to the side and then back to his mom.

"What did he say? Boyfriend?! LIAM?! IS THERE SOMETHING YOU WOULD LIKE TO TELL ME?!" She yelled.

"I wouldn't like to but I will anyways. Mom, I'm gay. Me and Cameron are dating and we are very happy together. There's nothing that's gonna bring us apart and you can't stop us."

"Oh...I didn't know you two were so happy with each other. I guess I'll accept that you're gay but it'll be a little different around here."

"Okay, I need to take a shower and go to bed. I love you Cameron." He said before he kissed me hard, like he didn't want me to leave. "I love you too."

After that I left and went to my mom's ragged car. It started up and I drove home. I realized it was Sunday and we have school tommorow. I didn't want to go but I knew Liam would be there with me. I layed on my bed fully dressed and fell asleep.

The next day I woke up to my alarm clock and turned over to see it was already 7:30. Why was it late?! I only had fifteen minutes to get dressed and get ready and be there by 7:45.

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