Chapter 5

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***Cameron's P.O.V.***

I woke up to Liam jumping off the bed and running out of my room. I got up and followed him to the living room.

"Hey can I use your car. I need to go to the hospital." He said very quickly to my mom.

"Why do you need to go to the hospital?" I asked.

"The hospital just called me, my mom had a wreck."

"Oh my god. Let me get dressed and we'll go."

"Okay, hurry."

I got dressed and got my mom's keys. We got in the car and started towards the hospital. I looked at him and a single tear went down his face.

I held his hand tightly. He looked at me and broke down. He cried loudly and I just held on to his hand.


When we got to the hospital Liam got out quickly. We ran in and told the lady we needed to see his mom. She took us to a room on the third floor. I looked at the door and it said ICU. My heart dropped as I walked inside. We saw his mom laying on the hospital bed. She looked horrible.

Liam fell on the ground when he saw her. He started crying and just layed there. I wanted to sit down and cry with him. I picked him up and held him close to me. He layed his head in my shoulder and we sat down. He kept on crying till he was almost dehydrated. He stayed there for hours until the doctor came in. He said that she was in a coma and probably wouldn't wake up. He said that if she's not awake by tomorrow, we would have to cut off her life support. Liam stared at the doctor until he hugged me and started to cry into my shoulder.

***Liam's P.O.V.***

I kept crying into his shoulder till it hurt to cry anymore. I asked if the doctor had an empty room for us to sleep in.

"The next room over, it only has one bed."

"Okay that'll work." We went to the next room over and layed on the bed together.

It was about nine o'clock and I fell asleep. I had a dream about my mom waking me up in the hospital room saying she was better.

I woke up at nine thirty and woke up Cameron.


"Get up we have to see if mom's okay."

"Okay, hold on."

We walked in the hospital room and she was still just as bad if not worse. I almost passed out on the floor. I knew what I would have to do soon. The doctor came in and saw she was no better.

"Okay let's get this over with."
I looked at Cameron and teared up.

"Okay, are you sure she won't wake up?"

"I'm sure, if she didn't wake up in this bad of condition she won't."

"Okay...." I looked at my mom and back at Cameron. He was tearing up to see me in such pain.

"I love'm sorry this happened to you." I whispered in her ear.

I looked at the machine that kept her breathing. I turned the knob that said "on-off" I switched it to off and it stopped making a noise. I looked at my mom, holding her I hand I started crying. I closed my eyes and heard Cameron gasp. I opened my eyes and saw my mom fluttering hers. I grabbed her hand tightly and looked at her until she looked at me and smiled.

"Hey baby."

"Mom? Are you okay?"

"My leg hurts. What happened?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2016 ⏰

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