Chapter 4

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***Liam's P.O.V.***

Cameron's not here. I looked around the front of the building, the band hall, and in the cafeteria. He wasn't here. The bell rang for us to go inside and I walked in worried for Cameron. Was he sick? Is he still asleep? I need to know where he is.

We had first block together. After the first semester we could change our classes. I changed all of mine to his to be around him more. I looked around and saw him running to the classroom before the bell rang. He got to his seat right beside me just in time.

"Where were you?!"

"My alarm clock didn't go off til 7:30. It pissed me the fuck off man!"

"Okay. At least you're not late."

The bell rang and our teacher, Mr. Cundiff, walked in and handed out worksheets. I moved my desk closer to his to see his answers. He marked all of the first ones after a few minutes and I copied them. He didn't know until I almost fell off my desk reaching my body to see his answers. He smiled and let me see them.

After first block we had our break time. We have this snack-store thing that sells food and drinks. We sat down at one of the benches and ate. After the bell rang for us to go inside, Cameron asked me to go with him to the bandhall and get his binder. I said yea and followed him across the school building and into the bandhall. It was a huge room with lots of trophies on the wall and lots of instruments. He grabbed his binder out of a cubby and walked out. We walked back inside and went to second block.

"Why are you two late?" Coach Lane asked.

"We went to the band hall to get my binder. I need it for this class or I will probably fail..."

Coach Lane looked away and rolled his eyes. We did nothing in that class ever. All he did was tell us 10 words every week and we had a test every Friday and that was it. I hated the class while everybody else liked it. We sat there for an hour and thirty minutes and did nothing. It was very boring to me.

After second block we had lunch. Since Coach Lane is very boring he let's us have and extended lunch. I sat beside Cameron after we got or food and started a conversation with Lori.

"So. You two guys have been hanging out a lot." Lori said slowly.

"Yea, we also have something to tell you...." Cameron said.

"What is it?" She said confusingly.

"We' YEAH. I forgot to tell you he's gay to." Cameron said excitedly.

"WHAT YOU'RE GA..." Cameron covered her mouth before she could say it all.

"Shut up! No body can know yet. We're gonna wait till national coming out day!"

"Ooohh sorry!"

"When is lunch over? I need to leave 10 minutes early to see Mr. Bland about going to your contest saturday." I said.

"Ten minutes early? Better leave now." Lori said secretly looking at her phone.


I felt the lunch room and headed to the bandhall. I walked in and he had beginner band I was guessing. They all played horribly so that's why I guessed. I walked in his office and asked him if I could.

"Yea. I don't know if you'll have room to sit with him on the bus but you can still go."

"Ok thank you." I said as I left. Mr.Bland was a better teacher than anybody. He seemed very nice and very chill. Cameron always said he liked Mr. Bland the most.

I walked back in the building and the bell rang for third block. Since we got our classes changed we had Mr. Ray. He was another chill teacher but not as good as Mr. Bland seemed.

He started talking about all the lessons for that week and all the work we would do. After a while the bell rang and me and Cameron walked outside.

"See you later babe." Cameron said as he kissed me.

"Okay. I think I'll sneak out there and watch you. All I have is P.E. and they don't care if I come or not."

"Okay beautiful..." He said stroking my cheek.

I walked out towards the practice field and hid behind someone's truck. I could still see Cameron but at some points he would march away from me. I would try to follow him but I was too scared I would get caught.

After school was over, we decided to walk home since it was only two blocks away. We started walking, mind you it was December 5, and heard Cameron shivering. I pulled him closer to me. We kept walking till he spoke up.

"I love you Liam, you're the best boyfriend anyone could ever have." He said looking up at me. It was the only time he said he loved me. I felt a warm sensation all over my body.

"I love you too Cameron, you're the best." I kissed him and we stopped walking for our kiss.

"I can't wait till Christmas Cameron. It's gonna be the best one with you. I never thought I would have somebody as hot as you or have your type of personality." He looked up at me and smiled big.

We got to his house and sat under his carport for a minute.

"You know, I think on the last day of school we should come out to every one. It would be really cool too. See everyone's reactions and looks on their faces." Cameron said.

"That would be cool. Everyone will probably be making fun of us but love is love."


We went inside and layed on the couch and fell asleep...

***Cameron's P.O.V.***

I woke up to my mom shaking my arm. I looked over and saw Liam's beautiful body holding on to me tight.

"Hey. Look outside." Mom said smiling.

I looked out the back door and saw it was snowing, it was snowing hard. I went over to wake Liam up and tell him.

"He babe....babe wake up."

"Huh? What is it Cam?"

"It's snowing outside. Really really hard. Come on get dressed in warm clothes."


We went outside and learned the hard way it was very very cold. We held eachother before falling on the ground together. We layed there until our body's got too cold. We got back up and went inside.

"Call your mom and ask if you can stay tonight. I really want you too."

"Okay I'll ask her." He pulled out his phone and called his mom.

"Hey can I stay at Cam's tonight? It's snowing really hard and I'm sure we won't have school tomorrow....yay thanks mom. I love you. Bye."

"When did you decide to start calling me cam?" I asked.

"I don't know. It just sticks with you." He smiled and started towards my room. We walked up the stairs and into my room. I  layed on my bed and he layed beside me and held me close to him. I loved when he did that. I reached for the remote and turned on the tv. We turned toward the TV and started watching Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. I always sang the intro song and copied the guy talking.

"In the criminal justice system, sexualy based offenders  are considered especially hanus. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies  are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories. *DUN-DUN*" He always laughed when I copied the guy and always sang the song.

I looked over to him and kissed him lightly.

"I love you Liam."

"I love you too Cam."

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