Chapter One

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Luke's pov

I looked myself over one last time to adjust my flower crown and make sure my skirt was on straight. When I was satisfied with my appearance I went ahead and grabbed my bookbag along with my keys and started down the stairs to the front room.

"Leaving?" I heard my mom call from where she was on the sofa.

"Yup. I'll see you later, mum."

"Okay darling, stay safe!" She yelled as I stepped out the door where I was immediately met with the semi cold, late September air. I pulled my sweater sleeves down over my hands and walked over to my car.

About ten minutes later, I pulled into the school parking lot, again checking my appearance in the rear view mirror, then grabbing my bookbag from the passenger seat. When I got inside, I immediately headed over to my locker and exchanged the books I didn't need for the ones I did.

I then made my way to my first period -biology- attempting to ignore the judging stares from the students around me. I got stares like that all the time for the way I dressed. I just wish people would leave me alone. It's not my fault they can't understand me. In fact, the only person who never gave me those stares, apart from my immediate family, was Michael- my best friend.

Actually he was one of my only friends.

I walked into my class and took my seat in the back, waiting patiently for my before mentioned friend to arrive and for class to begin. I just wanted to get this day over with.

I pulled out my notebook and started aimlessly sketching to pass the time and less than a minute later the seat next to me was pulled out. I looked up to see my colorful friend smiling back at me.

"Hello Lukey. How're you this fine day?" He asked happily, causing me to giggle. He's adorable. I just can't.

"I'm good. How're you?" He sighed heavily before pulling his pencil from his book bag and lightly slamming it on the desk.

"I was amazing! Then I remembered that school is a thing."

"You're so dramatic sometimes" He looked over at me with fake hurt in his eyes.

"I'm never dramatic! I've no idea what you're talking about" as it turns out, he couldn't even take himself seriously because immediately after he said that he burst out laughing which in turn caused me laugh. He's so weird.

• • •

The day actually went pretty smoothly. No one called me any mean names and I didn't get in trouble with any of my teachers. Not that I ever do though since I mostly keep to myself. When I had gotten home, I immediately went up to my room and started my homework for the day like the good little child I am.

When I was done, I decided to head downstairs to maybe find something to eat but of course was rudely stopped by my mother who wanted me to go to the store and pick up some stuff for dinner. Sigh sigh sigh.

So I went back up to my room to grab a pair of leggings as opposed to my skirt. It's kinda chilly and I feel like walking instead of driving. I mean there's not that much on the list and it's not too far of a walk so I don't see why not.

I pulled my dark grey leggings up and turned around to see how they worked with my pale pink sweater. I decided it looked good enough and grabbed my flower crown which I had taken off when I had gotten home and started on my journey to the market.

When I was done shopping I paid for my items and left the shop. On my way home I decided to take a small detour through a cute little park kinda thing. It was a pretty day so why not enjoy it a bit?

As I was walking through the park I was stopped by probably one of the most attractive people I've ever seen in person holding out a flower. Yes a flower. It's not even the proper season so why on earth was he just randomly holding a flower?

"Hello gorgeous, would you like a flower?" He asked, a goofy smile on his face as he handed me the object.

"Hello random stranger... It's very beautiful, thank you."

"A beautiful flower for a beautiful boy." I felt my face turn crimson which caused him to giggle at me. "Well anyway I just thought I'd give you it. I should be getting home. Maybe I'll see you around sometime." I just nodded while smiling like a dork as he waved and walked off.

That evening, I put the flower in a vase next to my bed and fell asleep thinking about the attractive stranger with the sparkling eyes.


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