Chapter Two

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Luke's pov

Over the course of the next few days I couldn't seem to get the stranger out of my head. There was something about him that I found quite alluring and honestly, I was really hoping to see him again.

There I was, three days later, just laying on Michael's bed, staring up and the ceiling and thinking about the boy yet again as the sounds of Michael's video game filled the room. I was interrupted from my thoughts by him speaking to me as opposed to yelling at his game.

"Whatcha thinkin' about, Lukey?"

"I dunno... nothing really." I heard the sounds of the game stop and was then attacked.


• • •

We ended up back at the park where I met the boy and I may or may not have been secretly wishing to see him again. We went over to a small playground area and sat down on the swing set, just chatting about random things.

A little girl came up to me and asked me why I'm wearing girl clothes to which I replied 'because it makes me happy and you should always do things that make you happy.' She giggled, seemingly satisfied with my answer, and went about her day.

After we left the park, me being slightly disappointed because I didn't see the boy again, we decided to go to a cute little café.

When we entered we were greeted by Dorothy, the little old lady who had owned it for as long as I could remember.
"LUCAS! MICHAEL! Welcome back, it's been too long!" Mike was the first to reply, stepping forward and bringing the woman into a hug.

"Hey Dorothy, how's life been treating you? Everything's good I hope."

"Actually I'm quite wonderful, thank you. I hope the same for you?" Michael smiled and nodded in reply and her attention turned to me. "You look absolutely gorgeous luke!"

"You're one to talk! You haven't aged a day."

"Oh don't flatter me. What can I get you boys, the usual?" We both nodded and made our way to the booth that we always sit at in the back as she walked away.

Why don't we ever sit at a different booth? Because this specific one even has our initials carved into one of the corners from when Mikey and I were about ten. It's special to us.

Dorothy came over with our orders and we began to eat. When we were done we stayed a bit to just talk about anything and everything.

We were in the middle of discussing whether Phan is real when we heard the bell ring, signaling that someone was entering the café. I didn't even bother to look up but michael obviously did because it was only a few moments later when I heard him mutter 'damn'. I decided to see what he was going on about and that's when I noticed that the people who entered were two boys, one of them being the random stranger I met. The boy I had been hoping for so long to see again.

This was my chance to at least get his name. I mean I couldn't keep on calling him random stranger, could I? I was pulled from my thought my Michael lightly hitting my arm.

"Stop staring lukey. It's weird." I just rolled my eyes at him in response which made him giggle quietly.

The boys sat in a booth across the room, not yet noticing Michael and i looking at them, and began a conversation. Part of me was happy that they weren't paying us any attention because I was getting more and more nervous by the second.

Dorothy went and took their orders then came over to check on us. "Anything else I can get you boys?"
Michael, being him, jumped at that opportunity and ordered desert for both him and I.

Again Dorothy left and we sat in silence. Well it was silent until michael yelled about losing a game on his phone, making me laugh but also drawing the attention of the stranger whom got up and began walking towards us, leaving his friend to eat.

"Hello again, beautiful." he smiled at me which caused michael to choke on his water.

"Hello, random stranger." he laughed lightly, shaking his head.

"My name is Calum, and you are?"


"AND IM MICHAEL!" he exclaimed, flailing his arms for added affect.

"Well, luke and michael, I should really go back to my friend. It was great meeting you both though!" calum beamed happily before taking out his phone. "Luke, could I maybe get your number?"

"Oh jeezums, yeah that's fine." I replied awkwardly as I typed my number in under a simple 'lukey ^.^' and handed him his phone back. "I guess I'll see you around?"

"I hope so." and with that he walked off, glancing back with one last smile.

Hello, Random Stranger • • CakeWhere stories live. Discover now