Ashley 5 birthday

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Days gone so fast And it was January 6 ashley 5 birthday

"Ashley wake up you are growing up my baby girl"said Katie"i know I 5 "said Ashley"we know you are 5 we can't believe it you are growing"said Bob"ok wanna go eat at your favorite restaurant?"Said Katie"yeah"said Ashley"ok Go wake up Jade and Oliver and Avia ok"said Bob"ok I love my brother and sister"said Ashley"aww your such a good big sister hey at least today is Saturday"said Katie"and you are our first kid so we had a lot of still birth(still birth means when baby dies when there mom is giving birth)"ok your very lucky so"said katie and they went to eat breakfast at Ashley 5 birthday!!!!! Even though she's gonna grow up more though so am 9 though so yeah they we done eating they went home and decorated there house for Ashley 5 birthday and Bob went to go get the cake for her birthday and everyone came in the house and got to see the new baby Avia and the kids played and ate with the ashley and her slidings and ashley blowed the cake and ate the cake and she opened her presents and the party ended

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