Ragnarok vs Sanrama

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Shadowraven and Charmcaster ran towards the giant dragon. Blaze was slamming columns of fire into its stomach while Angel shot at it. Tigerblaze and Keller were running around it, Keller leaping from one building to another, throwing knives whenever he was in the air. Tigerblaze was surrounded in a burning blue aura in the form of a tiger, clawing at its legs and drawing massive amounts of blood. "She managed to summon part of her demon form." Shadowraven commented. Charmcaster stared at the girl, running and clawing, then at Shadowraven. "She's a demon?" She asked. Shadowraven nodded. "Charm, step back will you? I said I know how to defeat it and I'm gonna need some space." He asked. Charmcaster walked to some rubble and hid behind it.

Shadowraven took a deep breath, then focused on the dragon. "Ragnarok, I need your help. I, bearer of the Ragnarok, summon you from your current state." He said. Nothing happened. He breathed in and tried again. "Ragnarok, as your bearer I command you to show yourself and aid me!" He shouted. Still nothing. "Dammit Ragnarok, help me out here!" He shouted. "Shadowraven, you okay?" Asked Charmcaster. Shadowraven nodded then sighed. "I have something that can take on that thing. He won't show himself though!" He exclaimed. Charmcaster walked up to Shadowraven then pointed to his hand. "That's the sign of Ragnarok, correct?" She asked.

Shadowraven looked at her in surprise. "Yeah, how'd you know?" He asked. She shrugged and grabbed his hand. "Maybe he needs some help." She suggested. Shadowraven sighed and shrugged, moving has hand from her grasp. "Maybe he's just a prick." He replied. Charmcaster giggled. "I have an idea. Maybe you need a strong surge of emotion to draw him out. I know just what can do that!" She exclaimed. Shadowraven stared at her, clearly confused. "Think of what you felt when Sammy, you know, passed away..." Charmcaster said quietly. Shadowraven stayed silent, his confused expression melting into one of sadness. "Nothing..." He said. Suddenly, Tigerblaze went flying in between them. Shadowraven looked at the dragon and saw it slapping Angel out of the air, slapping Keller out of the air with one of its wings, and trapping Blaze in an ice cube.

Shadowraven ran towards it, Charmcaster behind him. He felt something he hadn't felt in a while. It was fierce, making his vision go red and black. He felt his hand heat up and Charmcaster gasp. "Hey ice brain! Don't mess with my friends!" He roared. Literally, he had roared the words. While he was running, the mark of Ragnarok had begun to glow and heat up. Shadowraven had turned into Ragnarok, the black mask sending shivers down Sanrama's spine. "Ragnarok, long time no see!" He roared. Ragnarok snarled. "I don't care, Sanrama. What are you even doing on this plane of reality?" He asked. Sanrama laughed, the sound reminding both Shadowraven and Ragnarok of boulders scraping against each other.

"I was released, dear father!" He cackled. Ragnarok snarled again, this one sounding more menacing. "Don't call me that. You may have been created from my scales, but we are not blood. You are just a failed clone." He snarled. Ragnarok shook his head, then roared. "Shadowraven, stop that!" He shouted, standing on his hind legs and clutching his head. Sanrama charged, headbutting Ragnarok in the stomach. Ragnarok fell, eyes wide. He crashed into a building, toppling it to the floor. Ragnarok rose on all fours, snarling. "You've screwed up now!" He shouted. Sanrama clawed at Ragnarok's about, leaving a gash from his right eye to his throat. Ragnarok let loose a jet of flames, plunging Sanrama's face in flames. Sanrama roared and clawed blindly, missing Ragnarok by inches.

Ragnarok rammed his horn into Sanrama's chest, tearing through the flesh as if it were butter. Sanrama screeched, the sound ringing through the silence. Angel, Blaze (who had melted himself out), Keller, Tigerblaze, and Charmcaster watched the fight behind a pile of rubble. "We have to help Ragnarok and Shadowraven." Said Charmcaster. Blaze shook his head. "Charm, they've got it handled. Ragnarok already stabbed the dragon. He's gonna die of blood loss or being destroyed by Ragnarok." He replied. Charmcaster shook her head. "Something is off. Don't you guys feel it?" She asked. They shook their heads. Charmcaster bit her lip, worried. Ragnarok was shoved back by Sanrama, who was coughing up an ice blue blood. Sanrama snarled and bit at the back of Ragnarok's neck. Ragnarok spewed a jet of flames at his rival's chest, searing the hole. Sanrama roared in pain and stepped back.

Sanrama slammed Ragnarok back with his claws. Ragnarok fell again, next to the pile of rubble the team was sitting behind. Ragnarok began to glow, the bright light getting brighter by the minute. The light stopped, Ragnarok lying next to Shadowraven. Shadowraven stood up, shaking his head, then looked at his dragon. "Ragnarok?" He asked. The dragon looked up, surprise in his eyes. "Wait, how are you out here?" He asked. Shadowraven shrugged and looked at Sanrama, glaring at the beast through his raven mask. "Maybe we can both take on him." He told Ragnarok. The dragon stood up and glared at his enemy, then at Shadowraven. "You and me take on that? We couldn't even get along when we were combined!" He snarled.

Shadowraven looked up at Ragnarok. "That's because we have different mindsets. Maybe we can use that to take him out." He suggested. Ragnarok looked at him in consideration, then nodded, smiling. "Let's do it."

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