The Omen

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"Sarna, if today is going to be quiet then we might as well prepare." The Dark Blood said casually. The Dark Blood and Sarna were sitting in a cafe, the Dark Blood sipping tea and dressed in a business suit while Sarna wore a white shirt and cargo shorts. To the humans, Sarna appeared to look like one of them. The Dark Blood stood, putting a twenty on the table for the waiter. "Back to business, I guess." Sarna replied. The two made their way out of the cafe and into the Dark Blood's office building. They walked into the elevator, hit the lowest floor button, then waited as the doors closed and their descent began. "I have our plan ready, Sarna. I hope you still have the vial." He commented. Sarna nodded and patted his pocket. The elevator reached its destination and the doors opened.

Out they stepped into a cavernous room. The floor was made of a polished marble and the roof above had several lights hanging down from it. "Sarna, warm up the Delta Ray. I'll get started on energy." He commanded. Sarna nodded and walked towards a machine. The machine stood on a platform, the firing part aimed down at the floor. Sarna pulled a lever and the Delta ray began to hum to life. "Are we still hoping on awakening the First, sir?" Asked Sarna. The Dark Blood nodded. "While they're training or whatever, we'll be getting ready to conquer this world. After this world, comes the next universe, then so forth." The Dark Blood said, fixing his suit. "We need more magical power to fully awaken it though. In order to do that, we need a being or well of unlimited and untapped magical power. That's where that girl comes in. She's tapped into her magic, yes, but she herself has so much magical power that we can use her to power the Delta ray. For now though, we'll have to use the demon." He sighed, grabbing a cord and plugging it into an outlet.

The Delta Ray began to glow and they heard a roar. The Dark Blood looked up at a cage that was hanging from the ceiling. The cage was shaking back and forth, a clawed hand reaching out, trying to unplug the plug. The Dark Blood laughed. "Significus, you can't reach that!" He shouted. Significus, the demon, roared again as a volt of electricity shook the cage. The demon stopped clawing and looked down at the two. It's eyes were the color of flames and it's head resembled a stag's, except the horns were human arms hands that were reaching for the sky, as if shouting a final prayer to whichever God was listening and could hopefully save them. The demon roared, this one filled with more pain as its magic was sucked from its body and put inside the machine. The demon roared as more and more magical energy was drained from it, tears of blood welling in its eyes.

"Pull the second lever!" Shouted the Dark Blood. Sarna pulled the lever and the Delta ray began to spin. A beam of green light shot from the machine and into the floor, through the earth. The beam hit something sleeping in the earth's molten core. The creature moved slightly, causing an earthquake. "He's waking up, slowly but surely sir." Sarna commented. The Dark Blood nodded approvingly. "We're moving our plans up a day! We'll capture the girl tomorrow! Sarna, go and free Atlas. Take Joto with you so he can hold the earth for a while. He's strong enough." The Dark Blood commanded. Sarna nodded, then ran to the elevator. The door closed on him, leaving the Dark Blood alone with the demon. "You've done us a great favor, Significus." He said, his poisonous smile crawling across his face. The demon snarled, bearing its teeth at the human below him. "You captured me and forced me to be a battery! Just to awaken some stupid lizard?!" Snarled Significus.

The Dark Blood laughed. "We're waking up the first apocalyptic. The top dog, the alpha wolf! With him, we'll be able to control the world!" He crowed. Significus snarled again. "You've gone mad, child." The Dark Blood laughed. "You're the child for falling into such a simple trap." He jeered. Significus roared, shaking the cage even more. "You'll pay for this, Damien!" He snarled. The Dark Blood smirked. "Let me guess, I'll pay in blood?" He asked mockingly. Significus smiled evilly. "You will die tomorrow, child. Your own Curse will be the end of you." Crowed Significus. The Dark Blood stared at the demon, his blood running cold as it howled in laughter. "Lair!" He roared. The demon continued to laugh. "Damien will die! Damien will die! Damien will die!" Continued to crow Significus. "Stop calling me that!" Commanded the Dark Blood. Significus only laughed harder. The Dark Blood snarled and walked into the elevator, leaving Significus laughing by himself and the Delta Ray on.

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