Chapter 3: Mr. J

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*Lili’s POV* 
     We’ve been driving for what feels like forever. I haven’t dared to say a word, afraid of what that might get me. All I can think about is the fact that I’ll probably die tonight. I don’t want to die, not yet, I’m only 26, I still have so much to do in my life. I’m soon pulled out of my thoughts by the car coming to a stop. The man who threw me in here soon came to my door and pulled me out of the car. It was dark out now, and all I could see was the outline of a mansion like house before me. I glanced up towards the man to find he was already looking at me with a smile on his face. He bent down to my ear and whispered “This is gonna be your new home doll face, and don’t dare try to escape, you’ll never get away from me.” He giggled afterwards, sending chills up my spine. What does he mean this is going to be my home? Am I going to be held hostage? I begin to cry, and plead to the man “Please let me go, I won’t tell anyone.” He just laughed, and began to drag me towards the door of the house. 
He pulls me through the door past a few men standing by the door way, I guess kind of like guards. Surprisingly it’s quite warm in here, my body began to relax to the feeling of the warmth surrounding me. I looked around, admiring the décor of his home. There was gold everywhere, gold curtains, gold couches, gold stair rails, and on a few furnishings was the color purple. I had almost forgotten about the man dragging me, until he spoke again. “Come on honey, I’ll show you your room.” I just nodded at him, to tired to fight or resist. He continued to drag me up the stairs by my arm, and to a room down a hallway. On the door was a sign that read ‘reserved’, he took out a ring of keys and unlocked the door. When he opened the door he threw me onto the floor inside the room, “I’ll be back doll, be a good girl.” And with that he left, locking the door behind him. 
    I picked myself up off of the floor, and found the light switch. I clicked on the lights and turned around to inspect the room I was just thrown into. It’s actually a really nice room. A queen size bed, a bathroom built on, golden curtains, with a purple couch against the wall sitting under a small window. The choice of wallpaper was unappealing though. It was white, with the words ‘ha ha’ written all over it in black. Am I really going to have to live here? I don’t even know who that man is? I’m not as scared of him as I was, if he was going to kill me he would have already, right? I don’t know what’s going to happen, but for now, I’ll do as he says. I don’t want to make him hurt me, or worse. Just until I can find a way out of here, I’ll cooperate. 
     I had been sitting on the bed, which was covered in a purple and green comforter. I’m sure it’s been at least 45 minutes since I’ve been locked in here. I wonder if he’ll even come back, like he said? I guess I spoke to soon, because as soon as that thought went through my mind, the door started to open. I stood up and faced the door and watched the man enter the room. He closed the door behind him and started to make his way towards me. I’m now trembling in my skin, I guess I was more scared of him than I thought. When he reached me, he looked down at me and smirked. Lifting his hand to rub it across my cheek. I didn’t move an inch. He took my chin into his hand and lifted my head so that I would be looking at him, he still had a smirk across his face. I didn’t know what to do, so I softly asked him, “Who are you?” He looked surprised, he was either surprised to hear me speak, or surprised at the question I had just asked him. “Well, doll face, I’m the Joker of course! But you can call me Mr. J,” he bent down beside my ear, “But I’d much rather you call me daddy.” He said in a breathy whisper.        I blushed at the words he just said, looking down at the floor I managed to whisper “Mr. J”. I know he heard me because he let go of my face and dropped his arms to his side. “You enjoy your room?! I’ve been saving it until I found someone, someone like you” he said, dragging the you, turning around to look at the scenery of the room we were in. He looked at me again, as if he was waiting for me to answer. I lightly nod my head, as if too say yes. I was terrified right now, but I’ll be damned if I’m going too let it show. I lift my head to get a good look at him, I’m still not sure of what he really looks like. I haven’t been able too pay attention. But as soon as my eyes met his, I was mesmerized. His blue eyes, slicked back green hair, his pale skin and the dark circles around his eyes, his ruby red lips, everything about the man standing in front of me was breathe taking. How can I even be thinking of him in that way, he just kidnapped me?! I’m sure he could tell what I was thinking by the way I was looking at him, cause he soon said “You like what you see?” Letting out a long raspy laugh. He began to walk towards me again, this time he got close enough for our bodies to be right against each other, as he was looking at me I could see his eyes turning dark. It was like I was frozen in place, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t back away from his touch. What’s happening to me? 
     He soon stepped away from me, turning around walking back towards the door. He turned the nob and opened the door slightly, and turned his head to look at me again. “Get some sleep honey, we got a big day tomorrow!” Laughing once again he walked out the door into the hallway, locking it. I heard him slowly getting farther away, I soon released a breathe I didn’t know I was holding. There’s just something about him, I can’t quite put my finger on it. But there is something. Pushing the thoughts of him out of my head I decided to lay down, and at least try to sleep. I’m exhausted, and I’m going to need my energy if I’m going to make an escape from this place. 
    I laid my head onto the pillow, closing my eyes. It wasn’t long until I felt the darkness of my sleep consume me. 

•Kind of a long chapter, I hope this one doesn't suck as bad as the last one! I hope you all enjoy!•

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