Chapter 4: Reward.

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*Lili’s POV* 
I woke up the next day, thinking everything that happened had just been a bad dream. Until I opened my eyes and seen the 4 white walls with ‘ha ha’ written all over them. I groaned and rubbed my eyes, then pulled the covers off of my body and headed to the washroom. I entered the room and switched on the lights, looking under the sink I found shampoo, a toothbrush, soap, and towels. I decided to have a shower. I slipped off the clothes I had on, I was still wearing my black skirt and pirate shirt, as I call it. Stepping into the rather large shower I switched on the hot water and just stood there for what seems like forever. I was interrupted by a loud knock on the door, I hurried and turned off the water and wrapped a towel around my body before stepping back into the bedroom. The door slowly opened and in came Mr. J, looking me up and down.  
    “I see your awake.” He said, still eyeing me. “Um, yeah. I took a shower, I hope you don’t mind.” I said, looking down at the floor. “I don’t mind a bit, doll face. I’ve got some business to take care of, so you’re gonna be home alone for a little bit..” he came up to me, lifting my face by my chin so that I would be looking at him. “And don’t even try to escape, I have cameras all over the place, watching you. You won’t get away. Now be a good girl,” he leaned down to my ear, “and I won’t have to punish you.” He said in a husky whisper, sending chills down my spine. This man terrifies me. “You understand!?” I nodded my head yes, and looked back at the floor.   Forgetting that all I had covering my body was a towel. I could feel his eyes on me, he cleared his throat as if to get my attention, so I looked up at him. “And put some clothes on honey, don’t want you to catch a cold.” And with that, he turned around and left, leaving me in the room blushing. 
     I found a change of clothes laying on the bed, it was just a plain white tank top and a pair of sweat pants. Both were a bit big on me, I had to tie the draw strings on the pants rather tightly to make sure they wouldn’t slip off of my waist. These were probably Mr. J’s clothes. I blushed at the idea of wearing his clothes. I know it’s wrong, and I should be thinking of an escape plan, but nothing like that had crossed my mind. There is just something about Joker, I want to know more about him. Even though he did kidnap me, he hasn’t hurt me, or tried to kill me. Which is good, I guess. 
   I sat on the bed, thinking about what ‘business’ he had to take care of, and when he would be back. It’s been nearly 3 hours since he’s been gone. I’m getting tired of just sitting here like this, there’s nothing to do. I pick myself up off of the bed, and walk to the couch sitting under the small window against one of the 4 walls. I took a seat and pulled back the curtain, the moon starting to creep it’s way out into the sky. It’ll be getting dark soon, It’s untelling what lurks around in the dark around this place.         I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard the door opening. I turned towards the front of the room, and seen Mr. J making his way towards me, a grin spread across his face. “I see you’ve been a good girl and listened to my orders.” He said as he approached me, holding out his hand. I put my small hand in his, him wrapping his slender fingers around it, pulling me up off of the couch. He pulled me close to him, and whispered in my ear, “I’m glad you listened, I think someone deserves a reward.” I didn’t speak, I was in shock as to what was happening, I didn’t know what to do. The Joker had me pulled close to him, and now he’s telling me I’m going to get a reward. What could he possibly mean by a reward? I slowly looked up at him, to find he was already looking down at me. He smiled, showing his silver teeth, all I could do was stare at him. “Like what you see?” he whispered, but I didn’t say a word, I was frozen. We stood like that for a few more seconds, before Mr. J started to lean his face down towards mine. Before I knew it his lips had collided with mine. I didn’t resist, I couldn’t. Instead I slowly kissed him back, it was so wrong, but it felt so right. I heard Mr. J let out a low growl, before pushing me up against the wall. My hands slowly found they’re way to his green hair, while his were holding tight onto my hips. Our lips moving together, he pulled at my bottom lip with his silver teeth, earning a small moan from me. He kissed me once more before pulling away, resting his forehead on mine while we both fought for air. He smiled, before opening his mouth to speak, “You know, you never told me your name.” What he said was true, but I hadn’t realized until now. “It’s Liliana.” He smiled once more, “That’s a pretty name. But I think I’ll call you Lili..” He said, dragging the I when he said my name. 
    He pulled away from me, and began to walk towards the door. I watched him as he was about to turn the door nob, “Mr. J.” He stopped, before turning his head towards me. “Yes, Lili?” I looked down, not sure of what to say, I don’t even know why I said his name. “Um, goodnight.” He grinned, while letting out a small laugh. “Get some rest, I wanna take you somewhere tomorrow. Goodnight, Lili.” As he finished his sentence, he opened the door and walked out, locking it before heading towards his room. I didn’t know what to do, as I made my way towards the bed, all I could think about was him kissing me. Why did he kiss me? The real question is, why did I kiss him back? He kidnapped me, I should be trying to find a way out of here, but instead I’m sitting on a bed in his house wondering where he’s going to take me tomorrow. 
    It was dark out by now, the moon fully shining in the night sky. I thought it would be best if I laid down and tried to get some sleep. I pulled back the covers on the bed and crawled under them, pulling them close to me as I let out a loud sigh. I closed my eyes, and continued to think about Mr. J as I drifted off to sleep.

•Finally got a chapter 4 up, I hope you guys like it! I know it's not the best, but I'm trying! The next chapter will be a lot better.•

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