Chapter 5: You're Mine Now.

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I awoke to the sound of whispering beside me. I quickly jumped up, not knowing who it was since I had only met the Joker while I was here. What I seen when my eyes finally adjusted to the light were 2 men standing at the foot of my bed, starting at me. "W-who are you?" I stuttered out as quickly as I could, ready to find out who these men were. "I'm Frost," said the one with dark sunglasses on, "and I'm Jake." Said a slightly shorter man beside of him. He wasn't wearing any kind of glasses, but had short blonde hair. Unlike Frost, who had brown hair. "Boss wants you ready and downstairs in 30 minutes. I'll be back then to get you." With that they both left my room, of course locking the door behind them. I haven't even tried to escape yet, do they not trust me? Oh well, it doesn't matter. I quickly got out of bed and headed towards the washroom to take a shower. Stepping back into the room I wonder what I'm going to wear. I didn't have any clothes. But my question was soon answered when I saw a purple dress lying on the couch under the window. It almost blended in with the piece of furniture, both being the same color. I slipped it on and looked in the mirror inside of the empty walk in closet attached to the bedroom. It was actually a pretty dress, knee length and short sleeved. As I was brushing through my damp hair I heard a knock and the oh so familiar sound of the door being opened. I guess this is it. I took one last look in the mirror and made my way out of the room with Frost. 

We got to the bottom of the stairs and Joker was waiting at the front door. He looked rather frustrated. "Finally! Feels like I've been waiting here for hours! Let's go sweets." I followed behind him until we made it to a gorgeous purple Lamborghini. I had only seen one of these on TV and in magazines. I didn't even have a car. "Is this yours?" I asked Joker, rather surprised. "Of course it is. Ya like it?" He turned to me, a wide grin spread across his face. "Yes, it's beautiful." "Thank ya doll! Now, get in. I'm on a tight schedule!" I did as he said and climbed into the passenger side. I was starting to feel anxious. I wonder where he's taking me? He started the engine and sped down the road without another word.

We soon arrived at parlor? What's he planning? From what I've seen, he already has many tattoos. They're all very interesting too. Is he going to get another one? "Come on doll, I gotta surprise for you!" He finished his sentence with a menacing laugh. It sent shivers down my spine every time I heard it. I followed him into the shop and stood silently behind him while he whispered something to the man at the front desk. When they were finished talking a huge grin spread across the mans face. They must know each other. He pointed for me to follow him, and my eyes grew wide. Was he making me get a tattoo? I've never had one before. I turned to look at Joker and he was also grinning, but his was full of evil. I followed the guy to the back of the shop, where he instructed me to lay down and pull my shirt up. Wait, what? Where was he putting the tattoo? He told me to close my eyes and keep them closed until Mr. J said otherwise. I obliged, and closed my eyes. I soon felt a stinging pain starting at my hip. Oh my gosh, this really hurts. I kept my eyes closed for what seemed like hours. "Open them up dolly." I slowly opened my eyes, allowing them to adjust to the light. From my left hip, to my right, was completely numb. I looked down and was met with a complete shock. Across the bottom of my stomach read "Property of Daddy J" in black, italic letters. Property? I'm no one's property. "Mr. J, what does this mean?" I turned my face to look at him. He was smiling at me, slowly moving closer. When we were face to face he slowly whispered in my ear "you're mine now honey" I was trembling by now. I'm his? Does he like me or something? No, that can't be true. I just stared at him, not sure of what to say. He stood there quietly, before a loud, bone chilling laugh came from him. I don't want to be here anymore. I need to escape.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the shop. When we got to his car he opened the passenger door and threw me inside. Slamming the door behind me. He quickly jumped in, and sped away. I frantically tried to put my seat belt on, while he just laughed. This man is completely crazy. We made it back to the house in no time. He drove like a maniac. When we stepped inside, he immediately grabbed my arm and pulled me up the stairs. Quickly unlocking the door and swinging it open he pushed me inside, following behind me and shutting the door. He grabbed my waist, pulling us close together. "I picked your dress excellently. You look ravishing~" Before I could say a word he pecked my lips and was gone. Locking the door before I heard his footsteps disappear down the hallway. He has to be bipolar. My stomach still stung and I was exhausted. We were gone much longer than I had thought. I slipped my shoes off and climbed into bed, ready to cuddle into the blankets and relax. As soon as I laid my head onto the pillow my eyes fluttered shut and I drifted into a sweet slumber.

Hey guys! It's good to be back. This chapter probably sucks. Give me some suggestions in the comments! Please vote also!

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