Las Vegas // Jack Barakat

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Jack x Reader

Walking into a random building to escape the heat of Nevada was the perfect idea your brain could muster.

That being said, walking into the cool air-conditioning was refreshing, but not so refreshing when you saw the huge crowd of people gathered in the lobby.

With a sigh, you wipe the sweat off your forehead and walk towards the center of the crowd seeing a familiar tall man with a red streak in his hair.

Little did you know that man was Jack Barakat. The guitarist in one of your many favorite bands. You've never been so starstruck in your life. Seeing as he is obviously your favorite.

You didn't notice him walking towards you till you looked up from your phone, taking your earbuds out. Never have you mentally or physically prepared yourself to meet him or for that matter make eye contact with the man.

"Um hi." You say looking up at him nervously as he smiled down at you.

"You know me don't you?" He grinned as you could barely nod your head. He laughed a little but still kept that adorable smile.

"I can tell because you seem a bit overwhelmed. What's your name cutie?" He asked as you were just standing there shocked.

"Y/N. And yours is Jack." You smile starting to gain a little more confidence. "So what brings you here?" You ask.

"Escaping the heat. You?" He asks as you kinda grin while thinking to yourself. "Well then I should leave if you don't wanna be near hotness."

"Oh really. Well I'm a pretty princess." He says as you both start to walk circles around each other.

You continue play arguing at each with who is better than one another. Obviously it was him over you, but your sudden burst of confidence towards the end of the play fight showed differently.

"Oh really. If so, why don't you just show me later then." You smirk and wink at him before walking out the building.

You couldn't even reach your own hotel room before getting a text from an unknown number.

Thought you could get away so easily huh. Meet me at my hotel room in 10. See you there cutie ;)

You thought to yourself how in the hell did he get your number, but ended up just shrugging it off. You refreshed yourself so that you weren't a sweaty mess when seeing him.

Getting to his hotel room, which may you add is on the highest level, you knock on the door until you hear footsteps from the otherside and the lock being unlocked.

"Welcome Y/N." He smiles as you walk inside seeing a hotel room the size of a house. You look around in awe as he comes up behind you, handing you a drink in a red solo cup.

"No fancy glasses huh pretty princess?" You joke as he just smiles widely shaking his head.

"Not for you my hotness." He jokes walking over to you. You notice him wearing his black hoodie that you, in any picture you saw, found him adorable in. In person was just 100x better.

"Come here. I wanna show you something." He says guiding you to the balcony. It overlooked the Las Vegas strip. Lights shining and everything. You found it absolutely beautiful.

"It's amazing." You say in awe as you both lay on your separate patio chairs, which were rather comfortable.

"I told you it was a better view from my room than yours. That's why I just had to show you. Also I wanna to get to know you better." He smiles at you as you smile back.

"I wouldn't mind getting to know the real you either." You smile as you both sit back and talk the night away.

You couldn't of asked for a better vacation. Drinking, talking, and laughing with one of your favorite band members, or should you say now best friend.

You both would never want the night to end. Because remember...

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.


Well that was my first imagine of this book. Yes by me TotalxNonsense

Hopefully you liked it. Cause I had fun writing it. It actually was a dream I had awhile ago, so yea.

Hope you enjoyed it and taco_veil and I will see you folks real soon with more updates :D

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