Justin Hills // Roommates

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Justin x Reader

You and Justin are placed in a dorm as roommates due to a housing issue. You both have just started living together and you never wanted to be more alone than ever before.You both hated the fact at being roommates.

Justin Hills was a cocky, arrogant "bad boy". Most girls drooled over him, while you would rather stay away. Although you could admit, he wasn't all that bad looking.

Justin walks into the living area and sees you on your laptop "Hey!" he shouts "What are we doing for dinner?"

You look up at him as you take one earbud out. You look back down as you softly speak. "I'm not sure."

"Of course you don't." He says annoyed "I'll just get a pizza then."

You nod your head as you put your earbud back in and raise the volume just so you don't have to hear his voice and continue to study.

A few minutes later you feel a tap on the shoulder as you turn to see Justin with a slice of pizza hanging out of his mouth.

"Foods here. Lets eat." You get up from the kitchen stool and follow him to grab a slice. After picking up your once favorite food, you go back to your laptop. College just ruined food for you, but moneys tight. So takeout and pizza it is. Healthy, right?

Justin sits on the couch eating, as you leave the earbuds out. You thought maybe since his mouth was full of greasy cheese and dough, that he would finally stop speaking. Boy were you wrong.

"Why are you always studying?" You groan hearing his voice, as you just wanted quiet to finish your work.

"So I can get a good grade." You look at him and then back to your laptop as you mumble to yourself mockingly.

"Why aren't you always studying?"

"Because I get good grades" He says in a cocky attitude "Oh and if your going to talk crap speak up, princess."

"Please." You roll your eyes.

"I swear it's like people enjoy it when I prove them wrong" You see him stand up and pull out his phone, shoving the bright screen in your face.

"See straight A's." He speaks with a cocky grin placed on his face.

You pull up yours with a smirk "Straight A's since grade school."

"So what did they grade you on? Finger painting?" He laughs. "And you can wipe that smirk off your face because you're not the only one."

"So we are both smart." You shrug and look back at your laptop, mumbling to yourself once again. "At least im not cocky about it."

"I'm only cocky because a certain someone implied I don't make good grades." He flicks you in the forehead. "Wonder who that is."

"Hey! There's no need for that. You proved me wrong, oh well. Now can you leave me alone. I actually have work to do." You pull your hair into a messy bun as you push up your glasses, ready to stay focused.

He looks at you judgmental for a moment "Whatever." He walks away shoving his hands in his hoodie pocket and starts working on an assignment of his own.

"Look whose doing work for once." You chuckle to yourself loving how he looks when he gets all worked up.

"Oh haha." He mocks your laugh.
"At least I'm done" He finishes the final questions and submits his assignment. He stand ups walking over to you with a smirk. "Aw look who has to keep working all night."

You let him have his little moment before stopping it. "Nope. Just finished" You stick your tongue out and smile up at him as you shut your laptop close.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 12, 2017 ⏰

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