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I was sleeping when I heard my dog scratching the door, so I got out of bed and went to go let him out. When I finally get downstairs all the sounds stop and it's kinda creepy even my dog stopped scratching the door. When I got close to my dog he started laughing and started to change into a tall odd looking man. Then I noticed it was the man. The man that never left my head, the man who made me kill people I love in my dreams. Standing there right before my eyes, was the crooked man. He would laugh at my fear of he said in one of my other dreams the more he senses I'm scared the more it fuels him. I'm sure everyone has had this kinda dream before where you close your eyes and can still see them staring at you. I told him to leave me alone so I screamed and I screamed....and then it just...stops everything just stops. I turn around and he jumps out of the shadows screaming "THE CROOKED MAN KILLED HIS CROOKED FAMILY." I jolted awake screaming and crying.

My girlfriend wakes up as well and stares at me screaming my name saying it was just a dream. But then I heard that same familiar laugh. My girlfriend turned into the crooked man started choking me. I grabbed my knife I keep under my pillow and stabbed him. I heard a gurgling noise and started laughing saying I killed my worst nightmare. I stare down at my victim and I freeze in horror and see that I just stabbed my girlfriend. Then he kills me. I wake once again and saw my beautiful girl sleeping. Then I remembered that I don't have a girlfriend and I heard the same laughter except this wasn't a dream. My "girlfriend" turned into the crooked man and stabbed me every chance he got. I was bleeding from the stab wound and from me scratching in my sleep. I went to deep with the Scratching and hit my artery to the point where I can't atop the bleeding. All my cuts from my knife and all the Scratching and erasing I scratched them open in my sleep so now I was bleeding out and nothing can stop me from dying. I knew I was no longer dreaming cause I knew I don't have cuts or scars in my dreams. I new I was going to die and everyone would think it was suicide cause they know about my past. They would be devastated thinking I didn't even leave a note. I was awake as ever and I knew I could never wake up from this nightmare. His laugh and voice was the last thing I heard  
This was the song I heard before I died
There was a crooked man and he walked a crooked mile
He found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile
He bought a crooked cat who caught a crooked mouse
And they all lived together in a little crooked house
He met a crooked woman and he found a crooked preach
They had a crooked marriage on a crooked beach
They had crooked children and they lived a crooked life
The crooked man the cat the mouse the children and the wife
They were happy for a of crookedly long years
Lived a life of crooked happiness no worries and no fears
Until one day the crooked wife upset the crooked man
He yelled a crooked yell and then hit her and he ran
The crooked man came again at the stroke of 12
That was when their crooked life became a living he'll
There was a crooked man who walked a crooked mile
And when he killed his wife and kids he smiled a crooked smile.

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