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have you ever been so in love that you cant think about anything other than that one person....yea, same and it hurts like a bitch. especially when you know you cant have them ever again or at all.  love is like a big metaphor its starts like this: its like a war and you either win or you surrender you are the one fighting for what you want or you give up and if/once you win its a huge celebration but then it hits you all the negative emotions either from them or you but it hits you like an atomic bomb. once it hits everything dies your emotions, mental stability, feeling, and your heart. then theres nothing left just a giant hole and you are stuck there for a long goddamn time. But dont get me wrong being in love is great hell my girlfriend broke up with me and im still in love with her.....but she isnt in love with me and i will never tell her im in love with her but i have writen a song for her its in "my songs" on my home page and its called "me and you?" so tell me something reader have you ever been in love?

Please Help MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora