better off dead

18 1 0

im walking in the hallway at my school when i see my friends, i eventually go up to them and talk to them as usual. And as im talking to them i rolled up me sleeves cause its hot as hell at my school. My friends look down at my wrist and see that ihave fresh cuts on my wrist and start asking whats wrong. I told them i needed someone to talk to and i didnt want to bother anyone so i just ya know did it. They didnt believe my story and just started yelling at me saying how im pathetic worthless and a complete attetion whore. I couldnt take it anymore and i tried to run but one of my friends grabs my arm and yanks me back and starts screaming in my face. As im being yelled at i look around and see that people are VIDEO taping this crap instead of getting an adult or helping me. I couldnt control myself and i just lost it, I look my friend dead in the eye and punch her square in the jaw and i didnt stop not even after i saw blood pouring from her mouth i just kept going. that is until people started pulling me off of her, thats when i noticed what i had done to the poor girl. Everyone looked terrified of me and kept whispering "what a freak" "do you see the cuts all over her wrist" "she is such a monster". They all back away terrified if they might be my next victim. I bolted out of the school scared that they might hurt me for what i did. But as im walking home i see cars speeding on the highway. I thought to myself if i get hit no one will have to worry about me hurting anyone. So i walk in the middle of the highway and just wait. I hear a screeching sound and then everything went black. I did i finally did it, now the voices cant tell me what to do anymore. Im free.

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