(Please read) Update|Non Story

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This is the first time I have posted a non story part for this. Cause it never seemed right. But I got to.
Frustration is now going to be on hold. It requires MAJOR editing. Not just in errors, but the story is going to be shifting away from what I originally intended. Cause that's not what I want anymore.
Enough of this story will change that you will have to read through the story again.
My goal is to make it something everyone can feel they can read. Without it enforcing something they don't agree with.(Most of you should know what I'm talking about.)
Those of you who are reading this, and got to read the first draft of this story, THANK YOU. This fanfic is my baby along with my WOF MC series. I was terrified of posting this, cause it would be my first story on Wattpad ever.
Or really my first story on the Internet!
You guys welcomed me into this beautiful community with open arms. I'm so grateful that you did.

DISCONTINUED(Was in revision, cancelled) FrustrationWhere stories live. Discover now