Chapter 2 - Keith

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Keiths P.O.V

So our producer Sharon, wanted Neil and myself to come to the auditions today. The auditions are being held in the States, as well as Ireland and Scotland. Should be fun.

Ever since she said that auditions for a female guitarist were being held, I was excited. It's going to be neat to have a gal to play with onstage, as all of us guitar players are lads. I guess she wanted Neil and I to be here today to see if we get along with whoever might be joining us.

Whoever we're around that's playing a guitar, almost always becomes someone that we talk to, so I hope that whoever we are bringing on, is up for a laugh.

I pushed open a door, and walked into the back room that held the food, and Neil as well. "Hey", he said, from across the room, I responded with a "hello!" and sat down on the couch. "Enjoying California are ya?", "Yup! It's great to have a break from tourin for a bit, and to be able to surf, I miss it."

I moved to LA to live on a boat in the harbor a little over a year ago, and I love it. I love surfin, and playin in the bars, the weather, and the overall atmosphere of Cali is amazing.

Neil turned to me, "So are you excited about havin a female guitarist join us?", a questioning look drawn on his face. "Yeah, it's a good move on Sharon's part, and I think it's gonna be fun", he nodded his head, "same here, I think it'll be a nice change. You writin any music at the moment?"

It's funny he asked that.

I haven't been writing at all. I don't know what it is, but I'm not as inspired as I once was. I think all this extra time has made me a bit lazy. Or maybe I just needed to be on the road again.

"Well, I haven't been writing much at all to be honest. I've sorta got writers block over the last couple of months, and I can't seem to think of anything," I ran my fingertip along the seam of the black leather couch. It's really been bothering me that I haven't made much progress on my next album.

Half of it is(for the most part), already written and recorded, and the other half. Just isn't there.

"Ah I see. No inspiration?", Neil's expression understanding, "It's frustratin isn't it?". I nodded my head. Oh well, there's no point in frettin about it, when there isn't much you can do.

Just then the door came swinging open, and the room was filled with Sharon's presence. "Hello lads!". We stood up, and she engulfed each of us into a big hug. "Doin well I hope?", we both nodded our heads and replied with a "Yep!".

"Well that's good! I'm plannin on havin you two with me and Phil(our other producer), and David(our musical director), with us when we are auditioning everyone who's been called back. Is that okay?"

We both answered with an "of course", and Sharon left to go to the auditions. I checked my watch, 1:14.

Yep. They should be starting right about now.


I hope you all are enjoying Chasing Dreams so far! Let me know what you think:) I love getting feedback!

Luv ya all!

P.S. The pic on the side is of Keith. It's not a great pic but oh well...

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