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Sofie gets over stimulated sometimes. Mostly while fanning over her favorite shows or fawning over cute things. So whenever these kinds of things happen, she slips back into Korean tongue.

It bugs her aromate, Elik, sometimes, who doesn't understand Korean at all. The outbursts usually happen while fanning over cute boys and ships while they're watching anime. They'll be watching quietly until the end screen pops up. They pause it for a while and talk about what happened, mostly because Elik can't read nearly as fast as the other. If a new character comes in the show, or a ship of hers interacts, her native tongue will start to roll.

She explains some of the parts Elik didn't catch and then starts to talk rapidly about the new character or ship. Her English starts to slur as her face starts to turn a little pink from excitement. She smiles widely and finally slips into Korean as she spews the rest of her thoughts.

This also tends to happen when interacting with cute animals. She'll see a cute dog walking toward her on the road and she'll bounce happily. She asks to pet the dog in broken English then compliments the dog in her native tongue.

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