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Mylaichan/lilbeaniebooboo commented: I dare everyone to tell about their dreams of last night.

Me: I didn't have a dream 🐻

Bing: unicorns... DONT JUDGE ME!

Mark: Bing are we the same person? I had a dream about unicorns too!

Me: ??

Dark: death *giggles*

Me: ok?


Me: I saw that coming so whatever.

Bing : *is still eating the cookie cake.

Me: -_- wow

Sal: idk I just enter Emmiesan's dreams sooooooo yeah.

Me: Yup

Me: me and my friend ummmmmmmm? Well let's say his name is Steve to protect his identity. We made a book and called it Frinterview for friend interview. Tell me if you want to hear about it. BOI


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