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I have so many gay characters. I have no reason for that but I wanted to talk about them and why I made them that.
Mason: he's not in this but he is questioning. He has a boyfriend but still isn't sure of his sexuality.
Abby: Abby is pan and has a girlfriend. She is pan because I needed more conflict in that book and this caused her parents to disown her. She ended up living with her girlfriend, Mason and Carter.
Carter: He is gay and is Mason's boyfriend.
Jay: Jay is bisexual because I had the idea of Jackson cheating on someone. Nobody else was bi or gay and I decided it would fit his personality.
Oliver: Oliver is gay because I needed a main character that was gay to be with Jackson.
Jackson: Same reason but with Oliver.
Emma: Emma is pansexual but doesn't want to tell anyone. She is always very inclusive and it just suited her.
Mia: she is a lesbian because I needed someone to be with Abby.
Mei: Mei is bi but doesn't want to admit it.
Reed: she is bi but doesn't want to have to tell her gay dads.
Bryce: he is gay because I wanted Oliver to meet another gay person in the city.
Amanda: Amanda is a lesbian because she needed a reason to have run away. Running away is how she my Bryce.

Me! I'm pansexual because I think you should love someone for their personality. Looks don't matter to me. I am not the best looking person and I hope one day someone will love me for me.
I'm sorry if this was boring to you. I am proud of who I am and you should be too. ❤️❤️❤️

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