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Jaebum P.O.V

"People hire me to obtain information about other people. I'm just really clumsy, which is why you caught me in your bathtub."

How can he say it so calmly?

Staring at him in shock, Jaebum was having trouble processing what the actual hell Youngjae was talking about.

"So, someone hired you, to find 'information' on me?"

Who would need information on me?

Is this one of Jackson's sick jokes?

Youngjae was looking slightly flustered.

"Youngjae. Who?"

He took a deep breath.

"To be honest with you, I actually have no idea. The clients never give out their details."

Youngjae had a very hurt look on his face, probably because he couldn't provide the proper information. Which he can never do correctly anyway.

"Well, that's just wonderful, isn't it? Please excuse me, I have to go call my friend."

Walking out of the room, he could hear Youngjae start to talk to himself.

Not wanting any part of that, he dialled Jackson.


"HEEEEYY! JAEEEBUUUM! Why are you calling so late? Are you at a party? Can I come?"

"No. I'm not at a party. Even if I was, you couldn't come. I just have to ask you an important question."

"Hit me with it, Jae."

"Did you, or did you not, hire someone to stalk me?"

"... Jaebum, what's going on? Are you being stalked? Do you want me to beat them up?"

"No, it's okay... I just wanted to know if you were messing with me."

"You're awesome and all, but I wouldn't stalk you. If you want me to come ove-"

"Definitely not. Sorry for calling so late. Have a nice night."

"But Jaebu-"

Hanging up on him, might've been a bit rude, but he'll be okay.

Slowly making his way back to the living room, his attention is turned to Youngjae, curled up in a ball.

Whispering profanities to himself.

And crying literal waterfalls.

"Youngjae? You okay?"

Youngjae unfurled from his safe position, but when he turned to face Jaebum, the tears came down even harder than before.

So Jaebum did the only thing he could think of.

Pulling the crying boy into a warm embrace, he whispered sweet things into his ear.

And they stayed on the living room floor the whole night.

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