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Youngjae's P.O.V

"Wh-what do you mean?"


"I mean, don't you want to go, like, sleep in your own bed, sit in your own chairs, have your friends over? Y'know, at home?"

After omelettes and freaky nothingness, of course Youngjae can't go home, because home is cold, and silent.

Home is only a label, as it's really just a psychological trap, waiting to ensnare Youngjae back in it's jaws.

"Can't I stay with y-you, hyung?"

Voice shaking, Youngjae just wants to stay.

Stay in the warm embrace of Jaebum's apartment.

The warm embrace of Jaebum.

"I mean, you could, but wouldn't people get worried about you? Don't you have work?"

That dreaded word. Work.

Work, where Youngjae is forced to spy on people, extract their dirty little secrets.

Work, where nobody accepts Youngjae is horrible at his job, and give him tasks to watch him crumble.


"No, people aren't worried or no you don't have work?"


"But your mum?"

"Doesn't actually care about me."

"Your friends?"

"Crashed my car. I don't trust them anymore."

Stupid Jinyoung, it was a nice car, too.

"Well, I guess you can stay? It wouldn't hurt, and you could quit your job and come work with me."

"Really? Thank you,hyung! Thank you so so so so much. You're the best!"

"I have a spare room, if you want?"

At that, Youngjae gets quiet.

"If... it isn't too much to ask... can I bunk with... you?"

The look on Jaebum's face changes into somethings Youngjae can't read.

Maybe that was a stupid question.

Maybe he's going to kick Youngjae out.

Maybe he's going to send him back to that prison of a house.

"Of course you can, Youngjae."

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