Chapter 1

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"WAKE UP RAINBOW DASH! IT'S MORNING!" Fleetfoot yelled hitting a frying pan with a spoon. "Huh, what?" Rainbow yelled and jumped up from her bed. "I said, IT'S MORNING!" Fleetfoot yelled again along with hitting her frying pan. "Well actually it's more like 11:30."

Rainbow rubbed her eyes and walked to the bathroom to take a shower, and brush her teeth. Fleetfoot was sitting on one of the beds when Rainbow walked back out. There was a silence between them as Rainbow was trying dry off her mane the best she could. "So, you gonna ask him?" Fleetfoot asked, breaking the silence. Rainbow sighed, She saw that coming. Rainbow Dash had told her friend about a little feeling that she had caught for a somepony. One of her fellow wonderbolt teammates. Somepony whom she's known for a while now. Somepony who is, her friend.

That somepony was Soarin.

She didn't know exactly why, but she had this little feeling for him. A feeling that seemed to grow by each day.

"Fleetfoot, I've told you once, I've told you a million times." Rainbow said. "I think it would be best if he doesn't know."

"Aww, come on! Me and-" Fleetfoot stopped herself before she could say anymore, Rainbow knew that she was hiding something though.

"You and who?" Rainbow glared right into Fleetfoot's eyes.

"Uh...Me, myself, and I of course."

Rainbow narrowed her eyes, still staring into her friend's eyes as well.

"Could you not do that? You're kinda starting to creep me out." Fleetfoot said. Rainbow asked the same question she asked before.

"I may or may not have told Misty about it." Fleetfoot said, nervously.

Rainbow face hoofed herself. "You told someone?!" Rainbow said to Fleetfoot, who gave her a nervous smile. "At least Misty Fly can keep secrets!" Rainbow thought to herself.


Rainbow walked with Fleetfoot down to the kitchen. Fleetfoot kept rambling on and on about something that Rainbow Dash listening to. "Ugh! What ever happened to the "Wonderbolts don't get excited" thing?!" Rainbow asked herself.

Fleetfoot continued on talking.

She was getting on Rainbow's last nerve. Trying to block the sound out, Rainbow closed her eyes and tried to think of something else. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Rainbow said countless times inside her head

"Whoa Dash! Watch out!" Rainbow heard Fleetfoot yell. "Wha-" Rainbow said just as she ran into some pony.

Rainbow sat up and rubbed her head. "Ow." she whispered to herself. "Heh, I guess we don't call Rainbow Crash for no reason." said somepony. Dash looked up to it was him. Soarin. "I'll help you up." he said, holding out his hoof. Rainbow's face became pink as she accepted his offer.

"Yep, that's me! Rainbow Crash!" Rainbow Dash said when she was back on her hooves. "Just me, living up to my name! You know, 'cause I crashed into ya." Rainbow playfully punched his shoulder. "Ow." she heard him say. "Heh, heh." Rainbow laughed awkwardly as Soarin rubbed his shoulder.

Rainbow found herself staring into his eyes. "They're so green." she said without realizing it.

"What?" Soarin said.

Rainbow snapped back onto reality. "Oh...umm...nothing!" There was an awkward silence between the two ponies, which Fleetfoot had successfully broken, again.

"Hey look a bagel!" Fleetfoot shouted.

"Hey! That's mine!" Soarin ran off to her.

"No, I found it. So therefore it's mine!"

"It doesn't have your name on it, now doesn't it."

"It doesn't have your name on it either!"

"I was still gonna eat it!"

"Liar, liar, pants for hire!"

"It's pants ON FIRE!"

Rainbow watched as Fleetfoot and Soarin argued about whatever they were arguing about. "I swear, those two fight like brother and sister." said a voice. "Gah!" Rainbow jumped.

"Sorry girl, didn't mean to scare ya." It was Misty Fly.

"I wasn't scared." Rainbow said, calmly.

"Sure." Misty said.

Rainbow Dash and Misty Fly looked over at their friends. Soarin was heating up another bagel, making up for the one that Fleetfoot was eating.

"You ever gonna tell him?" Misty asked.

Rainbow sighed and lowered her head. "I don't know."


Yay! It's published!!!!

It's really bad and short, but I hope you like it!

It will get better later on, I'm still having trouble with the beginning.


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