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Mike: Hey guys, we all know that Lucas likes Max right?
Lucas: Um.....
Dustin: Yeah❤️❤️
Will: We all know that... Shut up Lucas!
Eleven: Max is like okay..... I mean at least she doesn't like Mike
Mike: Even if she did, I would still choose you
Lucas: awwwwwwwwwwwww...... And why do you think I like her?
Will: Today in school, you hugged her when Sam almost killed her!
Dustin: Yeah man. Admit it
Mike: Ok! Back to business... She texted me today and asked whether Lucas liked her. I said that he does and she said that she likes him.....
Lucas: EXCUSE ME!!!!! But, continue
Mike: And since she lives next door, she came over and asked about the whole Will disappearing thing
Mike: And I said that I would talk to you guys and ask Will if he was fine with it.... I mean it's been an year ( A/N this story takes place during season 2 and after El came back)
Will: So what you're saying is that if she and Lucas start dating or whatever, we need to tell her about the Upside Down and my problem?
Mike: Yeah.
Lucas: I'm coming over right now
Dustin: Same
Will: Jonathan's coming so we're leaving
Mike: I'm not at home. Just tell my mom I asked you to come. Eleven and I are in the woods
Eleven: we're coming
Will: 😽😽😏😏
Mike and Eleven: SHUT UP!
This chat has ended
Hey guys! I'm in Bali and thankfully there is wifi. I don't live in the USA so my school has a term break and that's why I'm in Bali. Anyways I left you ppl with a cliffhanger as usual........ (I think)

Anyways just wait till after the cast chat k?

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See ya later Strangers
~ Annie👑

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