DIS A P P E A R A N C E (1)

706 42 19

"Hey, hey, hey! Rise and shine~" your roommate's voice chimed as they opened the blinds to the window, sunlight flooded your room.

You groaned and turned to face away from the sun, bringing your arm over your eyes for extra coverage. "It's too bright and early!"

"It's only nine o'clock, you big baby. Besides, if I don't wake you up, you're just going to be sleeping the whole day. You can't waste this beautiful sunny Sunday!"

You heard them approaching your bed and felt them shaking you. "Get up!"

"Okay, okay," you conceded and made an effort to shift your body into an upright position, although it took time due to just waking.

Your roommate cackled, "Mission accomplished! Well, see you in the kitchen." With that, they walked out your door.

You sat on the bed for a moment before you reach for your phone on the dresser. It was part of your daily routine where you checked for texts and such. Usually, your friends would send you at least one overnight... however, it seems like you didn't have any texts today...

'It's nothing! They probably were too busy or fell asleep or something...' you thought. 'But... even so, he always sends one.'

Maybe you were just overthinking this. It's perfectly logical that they can't always be expected to send you texts overnight since they know you wouldn't respond to it. You shuffled out of the bed and went to do your daily morning routine.





You saw your roommate in the kitchen cooking breakfast when you were entering. They greeted you and continued to focus on the breakfast.

A few minutes passed before they placed a plate filled with pancakes and eggs. They sat across from you at the dining table with a plate of their own. "So, are you going to go out of the house today, or spend your day getting acquainted with the TV?"

"Huh? I'm going to go to my boyfriend's house, of course," you say nonchalantly, after swallowing a piece of pancake.

Your roommate gave you an incredulous look. "Boyfriend? Since when did you get a boyfriend...? Why didn't you tell me?!" they practically shouted in your face.

You met their look with a confused one of your own. "I'm pretty sure I told you... You were the one encouraging me to go to his house daily, don't you remember?" That's weird. They should have remembered stuff like this. It's not like they could have forgotten overnight, right...?

"What?! I don't remember that and I definitely don't remember you having a boyfriend!" they furrowed their eyebrows.

You stopped eating at this point and unlocked your phone. "Here, I'll show you." You opened your photos app and pulled up a picture of you and your boyfriend. You handed your phone to your roommate. Once the phone was in their hands, their expression morphed into something you can't make out.

"...You have a monster boyfriend?!"

"Um... yeah? I thought you were past this."

"Um... hello? You never mentioned having a boyfriend? Let alone a monster?"

"But I have." You were starting to get a little suspicious of what's going on now because you know that you told them.

"Well, now I know... I guess." They shrugged and gave you your phone back. "But hey, have fun at his house! I say to visit him every chance you get since I don't remember saying it before..."

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