-The funeral-

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They wheeled me to the very front row.

My face was stained with tears and I clutched a tissue in my hands.

I never though this day would come to be honest.

"Now we will have Rose Cathryn read out some words for Sean." The priest says 

I was wheeled forward and stood up supporting myself on the stand.

"Jack was a friend, A brother, A boyfriend, A shoulder to lean on, A loved son and a bunch more *sniffles* I loved him to the ends of the earth I would do anything for him. He was a amazing person I hate that he went so soon but someone like him was put on this earth for one reason. Anyone know the reason? To bring joy and happiness as long as he possibly could. He was someone you could talk to, Laugh with, Love unconditionally. Jack was a person who brought so much joy into the world and god taking his life so soon was a horrible mistake. I wish I could've done something I would take his place in a heart-beat. Just knowing the joyful and loving, Loud Irishman will be with us again."

Everyone claps and someone helps me down.

Once again I have a feeling in my right hand as if some small child was holding it.

I looked down and brush my hand.

Probably nothing.

I lower my head and stay out of anyone's way until we all got to put a flower in his coffin.

I was second after his mother.

She places the rose in the coffin and kisses his head.

Next was me.

I place my rose in his hands and look him over.

His green hair neatly combed and his skin paler than pale we wore a crisp black suit a mark on his head clearly indicated his killing blow.

I wipe my eyes and wheel away.

Sean William McLoughlin was dead.

There was no way around it.

  5 months later

I turn the camera on and smile my best.

"Hey guys just another little update video on my current state I am slowly getting over the pain and loss but jack will forever be remembered in my heart I thank you guys for the nice and loving comments it means so much to me as a person and I love you all so very much!"

Then I remembered something

"Thank you guys so much for watching this video if you liked it punch the like button in the face! LIKE A  BOSS and High fives all 'round *Whapish* Whapish* and I will see all you dudes in the next video."

Eyes Of A AngelHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin