Chapter 2

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"Stop getting distracted by things that have nothing to do with your goals" ~Unknown


7 Years ago

Miami, Florida

December 13

"Please, help me. God, please help me. I can't live like this anymore, I'm begging you move me away." I pray everyday to God asking for help. But as always, nothing. Nothing new changes; its always the same thing. One minute my mom is happy, the next minute she is yelling and calling my sister and I useless.

This time I'm begging even more. Tears escape out of my swollen left eye. Today, she had finally been able to strike a punch towards my face when I glanced away for one second. Black swollen bruises mark my tan skin from where she struck me with the cable of a phone charger.

"Maltida, Isabelia." When my mother isn't around I call her by her first name. "Un día, one day I will finally leave."

Today she got drunk for some stupid unknown reason and is currently spilling out to her boyfriend. Her boyfriend is the father of my three half-siblings. Occasionally the fight and argue but as always they would settle their differences.

"Ella siempre me echa la culpa porqué su papá murió. She thinks that I was the reason he died. He was the only man I have ever loved but he's gone now. I just don't know what to do with her, I try my best to control my anger but its just hard with that attitude of hers. My mom agrees with me, if she doesn't like it here than she can pack her stuff and leave." By now she is sobbing out on the kitchen table. I clench my jaw but don't move from my bed.

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