Apparitions Stalk the Night

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The Forest of Magic.

The duo flew through the endless thickets until the same mysterious figure appeared from the darkness before them.

"Uhm, who are you?", Reimu asked.

"I'm Rumia.", she replied. "I think we've met before."

"You attacked us, that's what you did the time we met.", Marisa said.

"Is that so~?", said Rumia.

"Oh, and you're blocking our way.", said Marisa.

"Are these people in front of me the edible type?"

Rumia's red eyes began to glow.

"Have you ever heard of the saying, 'good medicine tastes bad?'", Marisa taunted.

It sparked the showdown between Rumia and the duo Marisa and Reimu.

Rumia, the youkai of the dusk, had the power over the darkness. She pulled out her spell card, Night Sign 'Night Bird'.

The night sky surrounded them closer and closer, inch by inch, while Rumia started spraying showers of green and blue bullets in the shape of a gliding bird.

"Marisa...", Reimu said, "too dark.. use your spell card.."

"MASTER.....",The magician pulled out her magic hakkero, "SPAAAAARK!"

 The hakkero released a magical laser that spiked through the pitch black darkness, into Rumia, defeating her.

"That was quick,", said Marisa, "next time, use your Fantasy Seal."

"Okay, okay.", Reimu replied, "I just couldn't find the right spell card."

"Let's go on,", Marisa said, "I can see the lake ahead of us."

The lake was just ahead of them, and what awaits the other side is the mansion the duo had desired to reach.

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