The One and Only

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(Author's note: eyyyy, two updates cause i have too much time on my hands. :') please enjoy.)

Ten years had passed since The Mother had woken up to her strange new family.
There was "Sensei", the Creator of the Servamps. He considered all the Servamps his children. He would dote on them, teach them, shelter them, encourage them, and love them. Everything they did pleased him.
Sleepy Ash was the first, and probably the strongest (although he never used his abilities and she had never fought him, so she wasn't sure if he was strong or not). He was lazy, moved slowly, and constantly said that things "were a pain" or that he "couldn't deal". Which, she found strange because he didn't do much. He seemed very shy but loved cuddling. She worried about him, because he had dark eyebags, sluched, and rarely spoke above a mumble.
There was Old Child. His name really suited him. Sometimes he acted very much older than his appearance would suggest, but then he'd turn right around and act like a child. He was the Servamp of Pride, which also suited him. He spoke a version of English that was quickly becoming extinct. He boasted that he was a true vampire, and acted a lot like a cliché. She found it frustrating but cute.
DoubtDoubt of Envy was the third child. She didn't have much of an opinion of him, since he'd actually been away, with his Eve.
Servamps were strange to her. She loved her siblings.
Yet there was someone she couldn't forget, but couldn't remember....

He'd aimed too high.
The smallest, quickest thief in the world had been caught.
Where did I go wrong? he wondered, staring out of his cell.

He'd been born into a world desperate to kill him. He'd never had enough- food, clothes, warmth. When he was younger, he learned to be the Best.
There had been a woman he'd met, so many years ago. She'd been stern and sometimes scary, but she was the only one who cared whether he lived or died.
Until last year.
He'd seen the most beautiful girl ever. He wanted to know her, to be her friend, to make her happy, to see her smile. He started seeing her late at night, talking to her about anything in the world. He'd been happy when she held his hand.
Somehow, someone found out and he'd been arrested. They claimed he'd stolen something important from them but gave vague answers and details. The princess' parents had him tortured, thrown in jail, and left him to rot. The princess was not allowed anywhere near the jail.
He stared out the tiny window, barred from the outside world until he was laid to rest. The sky was the same blue as always. A bird was perched on his windowsill, chirping and hopping about. It was beautiful as always. A cold breeze stirred the already cold room.
The door opened, revealing a stranger. He was barely visible. He knelt and uncuffed the boy.
"Who are you?" the thief asked softly.
"Call me Teacher for now. Let me ask you something- do you want to live?" the man asked in a hushed tone.
With tears in his eyes, the thief replied, "More than anything."
Teacher helped the small, thin boy up, wrapped him in a cloak, and pulled the hood up. "Follow me. Keep your head low, and say nothing." Teacher instructed.

Sensei led the boy back to the Servamp home. As they neared, the thief slipped into unconsciousness. He called for his children. Sleepy Ash and The Mother came running. Wrath gasped and scooped him up, running inside faster than Sensei or Sloth could believe. They hurried after.
"The room at the end of the hall." Sensei pointed. Wrath kicked the door down and gently put the child on the cozy bed.
He opened his eyes slowly, his vision hazy and whispered, "It's... you... I'm... glad... I thought... they'd killed... you." his eyes closed.
Sensei ushered both Servamps out. Sleepy Ash gritted his teeth and led Wrath away. She was shaking hard. She turned and punched the wall. Sloth gulped.

"Sloth. Wrath. Come here."
Both vampires hurried inside. The small boy was still asleep, but he was stirring. Hours had passed since he'd been brought into the house. The Mother put a hand over her mouth, shaking hard.
Bright red eyes opened slowly, scanning the room.
"Good morning, Lawless." Sensei smiled, stroking the blond's hair gently.
"Ahhh." Lawless tried to speak, but coughed and licked his lips. Sleepy Ash held out his drink. Lawless nodded and drank the entire thing in three gulps.
Sleepy Ash stood close by, "My name is Sleepy Ash. I'm your big brother. Welcome to eternity."
Lawless stared up in awe, "B-biiig? Brother." he spoke slowly. He stuck his tongue out and frowned.
"Yeah, the fangs make talking pretty difficult until you get used to them." Sleepy Ash nodded sympathetically.
Lawless opened his mouth wide and pressed a finger against a sharp fang, gently rubbing it. He closed his mouth, feeling his new mouth. He blinked, then grinned, reaching out for his big brother.
I swear to whatever god or goddess that exists, if C3 ever hurts him, I'll kill ever single member in the organization. Sleepy Ash thought, smiling and ruffling Lawless' hair. Lawless POOFED and there sat a tiny black and white hedgehog. Sleepy Ash clutched his chest.
"Sensei, he's so cute, I'm dying." he groaned.
Sensei laughed, "You can't die."
"I'm dying now." Sleepy Ash insisted.
"If you're dying, it's because you don't drink enough blood." Sensei shook his head, chuckling.
Lawless squeaked and motioned to be picked up. The Mother gently scooped him up and kissed his head.

When Lawless crawled into Sleepy Ash's bed that night, he found he didn't have a single nightmare.

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