Brace Face.

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Monday, October 31, 2016
Today is Halloween, Halloween: The day I get my braces. My teeth were okay straight-wise. But I did have an overbite. Oh how scared I was to go to school the next day. I knew I was going to get made fun of. For sure.

3 PM- Appointment: 3:30
30 more minutes. That's half an hour! I quickly went to the kitchen and grabbed a quick snack: an apple. I bit into the apple when I instantly get a horrible pain on the bottom of my teeth. This was a bad sign already.

I look at my clock and I notice that it's 3:15. "Brianna! It's 3:15! Hurry or we're going to be late!" shouts my mom from downstairs. I quickly put on my shoes, run downstairs, and hop in the car.

3:30- Braces Time
We finally arrive at this place called "Happy Teeth". It's 3:30, and we enter the orthodontist. "Welcome To Happy Teeth." an employee told us right as we walked in. She was very enthusiastic, but sounded like she was bored of repeating the same line over and over again. My mom finally signs in my name into a clipboard paper sign-in sheet.

3:40- It's Just The Beginning
Let the braces proccess begin! Oh God I'm so nervous. Should I be nervous? Or should I be happy? Will I look the same still? What will people say when they first see me? Why does my bottom teeth keep hurting? Ahh so many questions! When I finally get called into the room, I begin to shake, the orthodontist askes me to smile, and when I do, he has a shocked look on his face, what's going on? He then calls and brings my mom into another room. My mom looked horrified! What is wrong?!

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