Chapter 12

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"Hey donut, come over to my house. Miss you x -L"

"Ugh, babe I'd love too, but I'm feeling tired and a little bit sick to today."

"Pretty please Delly? Daniel leaved for a week due to his work, I'm alone."

"Okay, okay. I'll be there at around 4 o'clock since I just woke up."

"Woke up at 3 pm in the afternoon? Are you kidding me babe? Lol"

"I told you, I'm feeling limpy all week. Anyway, I'll see you." I got up from my bed and had a shower.

As soon as I finished cleaning my house, I went to Laura's. I pulled into her driveway and rang the doorbell.

"Comiiiing!" Laura said in a very high pitch tone and opened the doors for me.

"What the fuck Lau?" I said while grabbing my ear.

"Come inside honey, we're going to have a movie night." Laura grinned as she pulled me inside her house.

We went to the kitchen and prepared some food.

"Hey Delly, you seemed so puffy today huh? I mean, you're gaining weight babe." Laura said as she gave me a piece of cake.

"Because you're always taking me to different kinds of food parlors duh." I rolled my eyes on her as I ate my cake.

"We always do that but you didn't gain weight before. Unlike now... Look at those belly!"

"Leave my belly and me alone. I think I just need some exercises, 'cause I've been very lazy this passed few weeks."

I was about to put my plate on the sink, when I suddenly felt a throbbing pain on my head.

"Fuck!" I cursed as I took hold of the sink.

"Are you okay Del? Oh my God, you look pale!"

"I'm always pale Laura." I said with my eyes shut closed and furrowed eyebrows.

"No, you-" Laura was cut off by the next thing that happened.

I threw up to the sink nonstop. Laura tied my hair and rubbed my back. After about 10 minutes, I felt like my energy was all sucked up that I found myself sitting on the cold floor.

"Babe, what's happening to you?" Laura asked.

"You think I know the answer to your question Lau?"

"You've been acting like a... Pregnant woman..." Laura slowed down on the word pregnant.

"No Laura. It can't be. I'm on pills." I said with slight trembling voice.

"You sure you ain't missed even one?" My mind started to recall the days and weeks way back.

Oh fuck. The night of Daniel's birthday... Shit. Damn it. You're stupid Adele. You can't be pregnant!

My eyes widened as I recalled that night.

"I guess with that face, you already knew the answer to my question." Laura said as she stood up.

"Where are you going?" I asked her with tears starting to fall down to my cheeks.

"As far as I can remember, I have pregnancy tests somewhere in here. I bought those weeks ago, just you know? But oh well, I think you need it more." Laura said as she searched through her cabinets.

"Aha!" Laura said as she pulled out three pregnancy tests.

She handed it all to me and I couldn't help myself but to burst into cry.

"You really think babe?" I said while sniffing.

"Hey babe, don't cry. That's a blessing from above for you and Alex. Everything will be fine." Laura wiped my tears away and pulled me for a hug.

I went to the comfort room and followed the instructions indicated on the pregnancy test box. After 10 minutes, I went out.

"What's the result babe?" Laura asked me with tensed voice.

"I cannot find it out for myself Laura... Can you please? " I said while handing her the 3 tests.

Laura flipped it one by one and read the results.

"Babe... It's all... Positive..." She showed the tests to me and I saw two red lines on each tests.

This can't be. I can't be. I'm not ready, neither Alex.

All the tears that I was holding up since at the comfort room, bursts all out. My face fell on my hands as I cried my eyes out.

"Adele, babe... Everything will be fine, you'll see. Hey, cheer up..." Laura lifted my chin and removed my hands on my face. I saw her smiling genuinely.

"But... But Laura, you know I'm not yet ready for this... How can I tell mum? How can I tell Alex?" I began to worry a lot.

"Delly, we'll be here for you. Aunt Penny loves you so much, and I'm 101% sure that she'll be happy about this angel..." Laura said as she caressed my belly.

"And Alex... I believe he can stand for you and the baby. He loves you right? And in case he'll run away, I'll tell Daniel and his friends to shoot his balls and kill that bastard." I couldn't help myself from laughing to Laura's choice of words.

"Lol Laura, don't be too harsh. My baby still needs his father." I giggled

"That's my Delly! Don't be too stressed out. Why don't we just start our movie night and have some fun today? This calls for a celebration! I'm going to be an Auntie!" Laura grinned like a child and hugged me.

"Thank you Lau... I don't know what to do if I ain't got you."

A/N: new chap for you guys! Hope you like it 😊 x

- A.

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