Chapter 23

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"Ready to go home?" Simon asked.

"Yeah, I don't really like to stay any longer on this place." I said while cradling peanut.

It sucks to be on this room for about 2 days. Ugh.

"Uhm Si, can you hold peanut? I'll just change my clothes."

"Yeah sure." I transferred peanut to him and I was left in awe, seeing the two most important boys in my life.

Oh Simon... How I wish you're peanut's dad...

I left them and went to the comfort room to change my hospital gown to comfy clothes.


I was carrying peanut while Adele changed her clothes. Angelo was really Adele's twin. He got her blonde hair with ginger tint, her pale skin that glows under the sun's and moon's light, her cute bum chin and of course, her green orbs that I fell in love to.

"Hey little man, I'm Simon, the best friend of your mum. I don't know what you want to call me someday but you know? I really would love to be called your daddy. Isn't that great little buddy? We will play your toy cars, play basketball and I can even build a tree house for you. I just hope your mum would let me do that. I hope she'll let me love her more than a best friend could do. For now, I'm really glad that I was still not late for everything, right little man?" I cooed on him. I made sure, I just whispered those words to him, 'cause I'm not sure if Adele would accept my feelings for her. Angelo then took my index finger and wrapped his small hand on it.

I instantly smiled, seeing how Angelo took hold of my finger. Even if I'm not his real father, which I am wishing for, I'm ready to love this child like mine. I'm willing to help Adele on raising peanut because I remembered what she was wishing for before. And what I'm wishing for now is, I hope someday when I already have the guts to tell Adele how I felt for her, she would let me be her one and only...


"How does it feel to have a father to look up to Si?" Adele randomly asked me while we played the sand on the beach.

"What?" I was surprised by her question.

"Are there sand stuck in your ears Konecki?" Adele said while focusing her eyes on her sand castle.

"Sorry, I was just surprised. Uhm well, I don't really know the answer to your question Del 'cause you know, I rarely see dad personally. We would just bond for about 2 weeks in 4 times a year?"

"But at least, he's been there for you... I hope someday, my children will have a loving father who'll do anything for his family. I don't want my children to grow up without a father to look up to, 'cause I know how devastating that feeling is."

"Look Delly, I may not be in your situation but I'm sure everything happens for a reason so let's just look on the brighter side of our lives. Cheer up donut! I believe, you'll find the perfect husband and loving father for you and your babies." I said as I tousled her hair.

"Stop! You're putting sand on my hair!" Adele stood up.

"Lol I didn't mean that Delly."

"Yes you mean it! I know you very well Konecki!" Adele smirked and crossed her arms.


I never thought that Adele would love a stupid man like Alex. How can he cheat on her?

"Aw! You two look so lovely..." Adele smiled as she walked towards us.

I was interrupted from my thoughts as I saw Adele.

Shit, how long has she's been there? Did she heard anything? Or worst... Everything? Oh fuck.

A/N: okay another crap shit that came out from my crazy mind 😒😂 I need ideas 'cause I'm running out of it again 😞😱 I just hope I won't be inhibited by the writer's block 😔 I'll see you as soon as possible x

- A.

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