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march eighteenth

the birds are chirping. this is wrong. they shouldn't be this happy for the world just lost a beautiful soul and heaven just gained an angel.

i told them to shut up. i screamed it. i screamed it so loud that the police dogs started barking and a few officers came running out with their guns at the ready.

one of them radioed for sheriff stilinski. the other four grabbed all of my limbs and carried me inside like a sack of potatoes. i was still screaming.

they handcuffed me to a bar so i wouldn't run. i thrashed until my wrists were bruised and bleeding. melissa mccall gave me a sedative. now the words i'm writing are swimming on the page like fish in the sea.

i feel tired. more than usual. i'm struggling to hold my eyes open.

bonne nuit alli cat, je t'aime.

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