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march eighteenth

we're made it to gym. we had considered skipping, but this freshman liam dunbar caught us in the locker room and told us it was an easier day than usual; coach simply just made us climb the rock wall. so we're staying.

[ forty-five minutes later... ]

let me tell you, today seriously reminded me of that one time, back in our sophomore year when erica reyes was still alive, where you climbed up the rock wall with me.

well, where you raced up the rock wall against me.

do you remember that day?

we were racing and you were distracting me with your jokes, the ones you had memorized off of those silly candy wrappers. i was laughing so hard i almost fell backwards and down onto the mats.

you beat me by a long shot.
you were like spider-girl or some shit.

speaking of falling, i actually did.

not because i was laughing.
but because i was exhausted.

remember how we used to always text before i went to bed?

you'd say "bonne nuit lyds, je t'aime" and i'd say "bonne nuit alli cat, je t'aime aussi" and we'd go back and forth for a while, arguing about who loved each other more.

i didn't get much sleep last night, not without my goodnight text.

coach had to send me to the nurse. that's where i am currently, laying down with an ice pack against the back of my head.

little does he know, little does anyone know, it doesn't hurt. because nothing could hurt as much as my heart after watching you be killed.

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