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march eighteenth

that was a short sleep. more a nap than anything.

school starts in 35 minutes. i have nothing to wear. stiles ran out 5 minutes ago to see if he has any clothes in his car. it must've taken him a super long time to dig through that small, baby blue jeep. *insert my signature eye roll*

luckily he came a back with grey sweatpants and his lacrosse hoodie. i'm not screwed anymore. i can just take off yesterday's filthy clothes and exchange them for something a little less socially presentable. (fyi, this is the only time you'll catch me looking drab for school).

my hair is a mess. i tried to comb through it with my fingers, but they just got stuck. i had to tie it up into a bun. one of those buns that bounces when you walk. one of those buns that always made you giggle.

no. nope. i took it out. i guess the strawberry blonde has to be a mess today. (again, only time).

my face is puffy, red and bare of makeup. honestly, what have i become in the last 9 hours.

stiles is pushing me to the door. he says i look beautiful as always. his voice is raspier than normal. it's almost violent. he's got bruises under his eyes even though he slept longer than i did. his knuckles are white around my wrist. his grip is really tight, like he can't dare to lose another person he loves. i can tell he's trying hard to hide his guilt.

scott and isaac are already outside. scott looks just as awful as i do. isaac, he's sad too, but i don't think he's as sad as us. he only knew you for a short time. he only loved you for a short time. but, me and scott? we fell in love with you the minute we met you three years ago on the first day of freshman year. and we still love you. which is what makes this loss almost too unbearable.

we're at school now.

i must've fallen asleep because i don't remember the drive at all. everything looks normal. everything looks like it did yesterday.

except for one thing.

except for the fact that you aren't walking in the front doors with us.

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